Д. Кочергин, Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, РФ, 191123 Санкт-Петербург, ул. Чайковского, 62 (d.kochergin@spbu.ru, kda2001@gmail.com)
Статья поступила в редакцию 28.07.2020.
Аннотация. Исследуется мировой опыт внедрения цифровых валют центральными банками (ЦБ) в розничных и оптовых платежах. Определены возможные модели эмиссии цифровых валют центральных банков, изучены особенности их внедрения в разных странах. Предложена классификация цифровых валют центральных банков, раскрыты принципы функционирования различных систем таких валют, а также функционал известных национальных проектов в этой области.
Ключевые слова: центральные банки, цифровые валюты, криптовалюты, модели центробанковских цифровых валют, розничные платежи, оптовые расчеты
1. Retail CBDCs: The Next Payments Frontier. IBM Blockchain World Wire, Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF), 2019. 40 p.
2. Bindseil U. Central Bank Digital Currency – Financial System Implications and Control. European Central Bank, 2019. Available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3385283 (accessed 22.06.2020).
3. Кочергин Д.А. Место и роль виртуальных валют в современной платежной системе. Вестник СПбГУ. Серия 5. Экономика, 2017, т. 33, № 1, сс. 119-140. [Kochergin D.A. Mesto i rol’ virtual’nykh valyut v sovremennoi platezhnoi sisteme [The Roles of Virtual Currencies in the Modern Payment System]. Vestnik SPbGU. Seriya 5. Ekonomika, 2017, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 119-140.]
4. Houben R., Snyers A. Crypto-assets: Key Developments, Regulatory Concerns and Responses. Luxembourg, The European Parliament, April 2020. 77 p.
5. Central Bank Digital Currencies. Bank for International Settlements Report, 2018, no. 174. 28 p.
6. Estimate of the Share of Cash in Total Payment Transaction in 38 Countries of Europe in 2019. Available at: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1112656/cash-use-in-europe-by-country/ (accessed 25.06.2020).
7. Кочергин Д.А., Янгирова А.И. Центробанковские цифровые валюты: ключевые характеристики и направления влияния на денежно-кредитную и платежную системы. Финансы: теория и практика, 2019, т. 23, № 4, сс. 80-98. [Kochergin D.A., Yangirova A.I. Tsentrobankovskie tsifrovye valyuty: klyuchevye kharakteristiki i napravleniya vliyaniya na denezhno-kreditnuyu i platezhnuyu sistemy [Central Bank Digital Currencies: Key Characteristics and Directions of Influence on Monetary and Credit and Payment Systems]. Finansy: teoriya i praktika, 2019, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 80-98.]
8. Adrian T., Mancini-Griffoli T. The Rise of Digital Money. International Monetary Fund. Fintech Note, 2019, no. 19/001. 20 p.
9. Kumhof M., Noone C. Central Bank Digital Currencies – Design Principles and Balance Sheet Implications. Bank of England Working Paper, 2018, no. 725. 54 p.
10. Auer R., Bohme R. The Technology of Retail Central Bank Digital Currency. BIS Quarterly Review, 2020, March. 16 p.
11. Central Bank Digital Currency: Opportunities, Challenges and Design. Bank of England Discussion Paper, 2020, March. 57 p.
12. Calle G., Eidan D. Central Bank Digital Currency: an Innovation in Payments. R3 White Paper, 2020, April. 24 p.
13. The (R)evolution of Money II: Blockchain Empowered Central Bank Digital Currencies. Accenture, 2019. Available at: https://www.accenture.com/_acnmedia/pdf-105/accenture-revolution-of-money-ii-2019.pdf (accessed 27.06.2020).
14. Cross-border Interbank Payments and Settlements: Emerging Opportunities for Digital Transformation. Bank of England, Bank of Canada, Monetary Authority of Singapore, 2018, November. 68 p.
15. STELLA – Synchronized Cross-Border Payments. European Central Bank, Bank of Japan, 2019, June. 53 p.
16. Ali R., Barrdear J., Clews R., Southgate J. The Economics of Digital Currencies. Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin, 2014, no. 54, pp. 276-286.
17. Boar C., Holden H., Wadsworth A. Impending Arrival – a Sequel to the Survey on Central Bank Digital Currency. BIS Papers, 2020, no. 107. 15 p.
18. Central Banks and Distributed Ledger Technology: How Are Central Banks Exploring Blockchain Today? World Economic Forum’s White Paper, 2019, March. 14 p.
19. Auer R., Cornelli G., Frost J. Covid‑19, Cash, and the Future of Payments. BIS Bulletin, 2020, no. 3. 9 p.
20. Yanagawa N., Yamaoka H. Digital Innovation, Data Revolution and Central Bank Digital Currency. Bank of Japan Working Paper Series, 2019, no. 19-E‑2. 19 p.
21. Fernandez-Villaverde J., Sanches D., Schilling L. et al. Central Bank Digital Currency: Central Banking for All? Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Working Papers, 2020, no. 20-19. 34 p.
22. Report on a Digital Euro. European Central Bank, 2020, October. 55 p.
23. Цифровой рубль. [Digital Ruble (In Russ.)] Available at: https://cbr.ru/StaticHtml/File/112957/Consultation_Paper_201013.pdf (accessed 25.06.2020).
24. The Riksbank’s E-krona Project. Sveriges Riksbank Report 2, 2018, October. 52 p.
25. The Riksbank to Test Technical Solution for the E-krona. Sveriges Riksbank, 2020. Available at: https://www.riksbank.se/en-gb/press-and-published/notices-and-press-releases/notices/2020/the-riksbank-to-test-technical-solution-for-the-e-krona/ (accessed 27.06.2020).
26. China’s Digital Yuan Will Target Retail Payments First. Coindesk, 2020. Available at: https://www.coindesk.com/chinas-digital-yuan-will-target-retail-payments-first-ex-central-banker-says (accessed 22.06.2020).
27. Enabling Cross-Border High Value Transfer Using Distributed Ledger Technologies. Jasper–Ubin Design Paper Monetary Authority of Singapore. Monetary Authority of Singapore, Bank of Canada, Accenture, 2019. 44 p.
28. Inthanon-LionRock: Leveraging Distributed Ledger Technology to Increase the Efficiency of Cross-Border Payments. Bank of Thailand, Hong Kong Monetary Authority, 2020. 90 p.
29. Central Bank Group to Assess Potential Cases for Central Bank Digital Currencies. Bank for International Settlements. Available at: https://www.bis.org/press/p200121.htm (accessed 25.06.2020).
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