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How do civil society organizations communicate in an authoritarian setting? A narrative analysis of the Russian waste management debate // Review of Policy Research. 2022. DOI 10.1111/ropr.12492. URL: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ropr.12492. First published: 26.06.2022.
How do civil society organizations communicate in an authoritarian setting? A narrative analysis of the Russian waste management debate // Review of Policy Research. 2022. DOI 10.1111/ropr.12492. URL: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ropr.12492. First published: 26.06.2022.

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Competition in space: Opportunities, consequences and risks to international security : 44th Academic Space Conference dedicated to the memory of academician S.P. Korolev and other outstanding russian scientists - pioneers of space exploration. Bauman Moscow State Technical University; Moscow; Russian Federation, 28-31.01.2020 // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2021. Vol. 2318, Issue 1: XLIV Academic Space Conference. Artical 070020. DOI 10.1063/5.0035827.
Competition in space: Opportunities, consequences and risks to international security : 44th Academic Space Conference dedicated to the memory of academician S.P. Korolev and other outstanding russian scientists - pioneers of space exploration. Bauman Moscow State Technical University; Moscow; Russian Federation, 28-31.01.2020 // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2021. Vol. 2318, Issue 1: XLIV Academic Space Conference. Artical 070020. DOI 10.1063/5.0035827.

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Learning and cognition in financial markets: A paradigm shift for agent-based models. Intelligent Systems Conference, IntelliSys 2020. London; United Kingdom, 3-4.09.2020 // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) book series. 2021. Vol. 1252 : Intelligent Systems and Applications. P. 241-255. DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-55190-2_19.
Уважаемые коллеги! К сожалению, Ежегодники СИПРИ не поступают в открытую продажу. Пожалуйста, обращайтесь в Центр международной безопасности, если речь идет о небольшом количестве экземпляров