
Красильщиков В.А.
«The Empty Box» of Southeast Asian Development? The Second-Tier «Tigers» from the Point of View of Latin American Experience [Text] / Victor Krasilshchikov// Entelequia. Revista Interdisciplinar. – 2013. – № 15. – Р. 1 – 35.
Тип публикации:

 This paper examines the development of the newly industrialising countries of Asia with a focus on their second-tiger group, Malaysia and Thailand, after the 1997-98 and 2008-09 crises, taking into account the Latin American, mainly Brazilian, experience. The so-called countries of Southeast Asia have now found themselves in a situation of a 'modernization trap'. That entails the risk to be faced with an 'the empty box' of economic growth without development.

Ключевые слова: Development | Malaysia | Thailand | Brazil |

Ссылка при цитировании:

Krasil’shchikov V. . – Entelequia. Revista Interdisciplinar. – 2013. – № 15. – Р. 1 – 35.


Красильщиков В.А.
Brazil and Russia: Similarities and Differences of the Development Trajectories [Text] / Victor Krasilshchikov // Entelequia. Revista Interdisciplinar. – 2013. – № 15. – P. 265 – 287.

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Energy Transition in the United States, Europe and China: Latest Trends // Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2023. Vol. 34, Issue 4. P. 439-449. DOI 10.1134/S1075700723040160.

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Armenia’s nuclear industry: threats and challenges [Text] / M. Starchak // Central Asia and the Caucasus. – 2016. – Vol. 17. – № 3. – P. 75 – 87.
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