Russia’s Regional Balancing and Interests in the Middle East: Benefits, Risks, and Implications for Europe // Orient - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Politik und Wirtschaft des Orients. 2021. Vol.62, Issue 4. P. 45-58.
ISSN 0030-5227
The main shift in Russia's Middle East policy, upgraded since 2015, has been a move away from Western-centeredness towards more active engagement with, and balancing between, regional actors. The article explores the benefits, costs and risks associated with such regionalisation for Moscow, outlines key interests pursued by Russia in view of its new regional role and analyses its implications for Europe. It tries to explain why, despite the EU's more balanced approach to the Middle East, the space for Russia-Europe cooperation in the region appears even more limited than that with the United States and identifies a few areas of confluence of interest and potential cooperation.
Ключевые слова: Russia | Middle East | Russia-Europe cooperation |
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Ссылка при цитировании:
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