Russia and the world: 2020 IMEMO forecast // New Perspectives. 2020. DOI 10.1177/2336825X20954758. URL: Published online: 16.09.2020.
DOI 10.1177/2336825X20954758
The editors had to make significant adjustments to this abridged version of IMEMO’s annual‘Russia and the World’forecast published in early January 2020. However, none of the numerousforecasts published until March 2020 had been anywhere close to considering, among the potential‘black swan’factors, the global scenario caused by COVID-19. No one had anticipated the scale ofthe pandemic and its consequences for the world economy and trade, including the fall in oil pricesand the reaction of financial markets.
Ключевые слова: COVID-19 | IMF | world economy | |
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