Арбатова Н.К.
Russia and the European Union: Deferred Partnership // Social Sciences. 2021. Vol. 52, Issue 3. P. 34-52. DOI 10.21557/SSC.69990128.
Тип публикации:

ISSN 0134-5486

DOI 10.21557/SSC.69990128

This article is devoted to the study of the fundamental reasons that led to a profound crisis in Russia’s relations with the European Union and the West as a whole. The focus is on the objective changes in international relations and the subjective factors in the policies of the RF and the EU that predetermined the vector of their interaction. This article provides a layer-by-layer analysis of these causes starting with a superficial perception of problems and going progressively deeper and deeper to the sources of the current crisis. This method of analysis may be called the “matryoshka (nested doll) method.” In other words, we offer a countdown from today’s crisis to the post-bipolar start of cooperation between Russia and the EU. Why did things go wrong after getting off to such a good start? And finally, who is to blame for a partnership that did not happen and is there a way out of the impasse?

The article was prepared as part of the project “Post-Crisis World Order: Challenges and Technologies, Competition and Cooperation,” supported by a grant from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation program for research projects in priority areas of scientific and technological development (Agreement no. 075-15-2020-783).

Ключевые слова: Russia | European Union | USA | China | CIA | international relations | European security | Euro-Atlantic relations | EU and NATO enlargement | Ukraine conflict | Caucasus crisis | peacekeeping operations | conflicts |

Ссылка при цитировании:

Arbatova N. Russia and the European Union: Deferred Partnership. – Social Sciences. 2021. Vol. 52, Issue 3. P. 34-52. DOI 10.21557/SSC.69990128.


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Russia and the European Union: Deferred Partnership // Social Sciences : A Quarterly Journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2021. Vol. 52, Issue 3. P. 34-52. DOI 10.21557/SSC.69990128.

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