Prospects of China’s participation in nuclear arms limitations. Edited by Alexei Arbatov, Vladimir Dvorkin, Sergey Oznobishchev. M., IMEMO RAN, 2012, 76 p.
Тип публикации:

This is the eighth publication of the series titled  «Russia and the Deep Nuclear Disarmament», which is to be issued in the framework of joint project implemented by the Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) and the Nuclear Threat Initiative, Inc. (NTI). It is based on the discussion at the conference held in IMEMP RAN on June 28, 2012. This research report was commissioned by the Nuclear Security Project (NSP) of the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI). For more information see the NSP website

Ключевые слова: China’s participation | nuclear arms limitations |

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Ссылка при цитировании:

Prospects of China’s participation in nuclear arms limitations. Edited by Alexei Arbatov, Vladimir Dvorkin, Sergey Oznobishchev. M., IMEMO RAN, 2012, 76 p.


Савельев А.Г.
China and Nuclear Arms Control // Russia in Global Affairs. 2020. Vol. 18, Issue 3 (71). P. 54-69. DOI 10.31278/1810-6374-2020-18-3-54-69.

The Prospects of Engaging India and Pakistan in Nuclear Arms Limitations. Edited by Alexei Arbatov, Vladimir Dvorkin and Sergey Oznobishchev. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2012, 54 p.

Арбатова Н.К.
Domestic Debate in Russia About Arms Control and Nuclear Weapons In: Cotta-Ramusino, P., Lowenthal, M., Maiani, L., Pellecchia, E. (eds) Nuclear Risks and Arms Control - Problems and Progresses in the Time of Pandemics and War. EAC 2022. Springer Proceedings in Physics, vol 291. Springer, Cham. 2023. P.65-70. DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-29708-3_8.

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Saving Nuclear Arms Control [Text] / A. Arbatov // Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. – 2016. – Vol. 72. – № 3. – P. 165 – 170.

The prospects of engaging European nuclear-weapon states in strategic arms control. Edited by Alexei Arbatov, Vladimir Dvorkin, Sergey Oznobishchev. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2012, 94 p.

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Mad Momentum Redux? The Rise and Fall of Nuclear Arms Control [Text] / A. Arbatov // Survival. – 2019. – Vol. 61. – Issue 3. – P. 7-38. DOI: 10.1080/00396338.2019.1614785.

Non-Nuclear Factors of Nuclear Disarmament (Ballistic Missile Defense, High-Precision Conventional Weapons, Space Arms). Alexei Arbatov, Vladimir Dvorkin, Sergey Oznobishchev. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2010, 67 p.

Стефанович Д.В.
Nuclear Posture and Technology Trends in South Asia and Ways Ahead // The National Security Journal. 2022. Vol. 3, Issue 4. Art. 11. DOI 10.36878/nsj20220301.11.

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What Factors Affect Strategic Stability? // Russia in Global Affairs. 2022. Vol. 20, Issue 1. P. 93-111. DOI 10.31278/1810-6374-2022-20-1-93-111.

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Arms control in outer space: The Russian angle, and a possible way forward [Text] / A. Arbatov // Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. – 2019. – Vol. 75. – Issue 4. – P. 151-161. DOI: 10.1080/00963402.2019.1628475.

Russia: arms control, disarmament and international security. IMEMO supplement to the Russian edition of the SIPRI Yearbook 2020 / ed. by Alexey Arbatov, Sergey Oznobishchev and Nadezhda Dudik. – Moscow: IMEMO, 2021. – 149 p. – ISBN 978-5-9535-0595-6. – DOI 10.20542/978-5-9535-0595-6.

Russia: arms control, disarmament and international security / IMEMO supplement to the Russian edition of the SIPRI Yearbook 2014. Edited by A. Arbatov, S. Oznobishchev. Moscow: IMEMO RAN, 2015, 219 p.

Богданов К.В.
A hybrid Matryoshka and a Monastery: Arms control in the era of turbulence // Russia in Global Affairs. 2021. Vol. 19, Issue 3. P. 116-136. DOI 10.31278/1810-6374-2021-19-3-116-136.

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The "Nuclear Confrontation" in South Asia [Text] / A. G. Volodin, V. Shukla // World Affairs. The Journal of International Issues. – 2019. – Vol. 23. – Issue 2. – P. 56-71.

Crisis and new political agenda for the Korean Peninsula and the regional powers. V. Mikheev, A. Fedorovsky, eds. – Moscow: IMEMO, 2018. – 32 p.

Кютт М., Кюн У., Стефанович Д.В.
Remote monitoring: Verifying geographical arms limits // Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. 2023. Vol. 79, Issue 1. P. 17-21. DOI 10.1080/00963402.2022.2155006.

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Limit missile defense - or expand it?: A Russian response [Text] / T. Anichkina // Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. – 2015. – V. 71. – Issue 2. – Р. 17 – 20.

Nuclear Disarmament, Non-proliferation, Energy: Developing Further U.S.–Russian Cooperation. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2010, 72 p.

Korean Nuclear Crisis: Prospects of De-escalation. Ed. by Alexei Arbatov, Vladimir Dvorkin and Sergey Oznobishchev. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2013, 61 p.
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