Missile Trends in South-East Asia // Новый оборонный заказ. Стратегии. 2022. № 1 (72). P. 71-76.
South-East Asia is one of the most rapidly developing regions of our planet, and its military security domain is no exception. Missiles are especially relevant these days due to constantly growing capabilities of precision non-nuclear weapons. Missiles of ever-increasing range appear in the arsenals of many countries and perform functions of regional deterrence, but also they have very specific military missions to defeat high-value targets. The geography of the region is important to consider, its huge water spaces and island territories have led to a great interest in anti-ship missiles of various types and basing modes. Moreover, the presence of missile arsenals can contribute to the rapid escalation of armed conflicts, including those due to the perceived threat for platforms and stockpiles of missiles.
Ключевые слова: non-nuclear weapons | armed conflicts | South-East Asia |
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Ссылка при цитировании:
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