Le roi est mort, vive le roi? Die Zukunft der Rüstungskontrolle nach dem INF-Aus [Text] / A. Zagorskij // Osteuropa. – 2019. – Issue 1-2. – P. 79-87.
ISSN 0030-6428
The INF Treaty is on the brink of collapse. The agreement on the prohibition of land-supported medium-range rockets in Europe could still be rescued before August 2019. However, the chances of this happening are small. Russia is not willing to destroy its controversial rockets, and the US refuses to take the counterdemands being made by Moscow seriously. Moscow and Washington are playing a zero-sum game, without knowing how nuclear armament control could be continued in the future. However, a new medium-range arms race in Europe is not inevitable. The establishment of a new, multilateral control system with elements such as the forging of trust, exchange of information and active communication at all levels could help overcome the armament control crisis.
Ключевые слова: nuclear armament control |
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Ссылка при цитировании:
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