Никитина Е.Н., L. Lebel, C. Pahl-Wostl, C. Knieper
Institutional fit and river basin governance: a new approach using multiple composite measures[Text] / L. Lebel, E. Nikitina, C. Pahl-Wostl, C. Knieper // Ecology and Society. – 2013. – V. 18. – Issue 1. – Art. 1.
Institutional fit and river basin governance: a new approach using multiple composite measures[Text] / L. Lebel, E. Nikitina, C. Pahl-Wostl, C. Knieper // Ecology and Society. – 2013. – V. 18. – Issue 1. – Art. 1.
Тип публикации:
Ключевые слова: comparative analysis | indicators | institutional fit |
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Ссылка при цитировании:
Nikitina E., L. Lebel, C. Pahl-Wostl, C. Knieper . – Ecology and Society. – 2013. – V. 18. – Issue 1. – Art. 1.
Никитина Е.Н.
From applying panaceas to mastering complexity: Toward adaptive water governance in river basins / C. Pahl-Wostl, L. Lebel, C. Rnieper, E. Nikitina // Environmental Science & Policy. – 2012. – V. 23. – P. 24 –34.
Капелюшников Р.И., Кузнецов А., Демина Н.В., Кузнецова О.
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Никитина Е.Н., Островская Е.П., Фоменко Марина
Towards better water governance in river basins: some lessons learned from the Volga / Е. Nikitina, Е. Ostrovskaya, М. Fomenko // Regional environmental change. – 2010. – Т. 10. – № 4. – С. 285-297.
Борейко А.В., Вернигора А.А., Кислицын С.В.
The Infrastructure Competition between the United States and China in Developing Countries // Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2022. Vol. 92, Issue Suppl. 7. P. S627–S635. DOI 10.1134/S1019331622130159.
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Nowcasting GDP of Major Economies During the Crisis: Does Energy Matter? // Advances in Systems Science and Applications. 2023. Vol. 23, Issue 1. P. 91-98. DOI 10.25728/assa.2023.23.01.1116.
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Oil Exporting Countries: Analysis of Economic Growth Opportunities Through Export Diversification in a Low-Carbon World // Studies on Russian Economic Developmen. 2023. Vol. 34, Issue 5. P. 573-582. DOI 10.1134/S1075700723050179.
Харитонова Е.М.
«Мягкая сила» Великобритании: сравнительный анализ механизмов, инструментов и практик = British soft power: comparative analysis of instruments, mechanisms and practices [Текст] / Е.М. Харитонова // Сравнительная политика = Sravnitelnaya politika-Comparative politics. – 2017. – Т. 8. – № 1(26). – С. 5-20.
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Никитина Е.Н.
Сlimate Change in the Arctic: Adaptation to New Challenges // Контуры глобальных трансформаций: политика, экономика, право. 2021. Vol. 14, Special Issue. P. 111-128. DOI 10.23932/2542-0240-2019-12-5-177-200.
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Uma aproximação da transformação do socialismo em Cuba // Fim do Mondo. 2021. Issue 5. P. 185-203. DOI 10.36311/2675-3871.2021.v2n5.p185-203.
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Middle powers' in the post-Soviet space in the context of the necessity for regionalization of international relations // Caucasus. Strategic Perspectives. 2024. Issue 1. P. 93-100.
Миловидов В.Д.
Pandemic in the network society: Network readiness increases population vulnerability to COVID-19 in less developed countries // Acta Oeconomica. 2021. Vol. 71, Issue S1. P. 187-203. DOI 10.1556/032.2021.00035.
Стрежнева М.В., Моисеева Д.Э.
Parliamentarisation of Brexit: legitimation games in the process of regional disintegration // Parliaments, Estates and Representation. 2021. Vol. 41, Issue 3. P. 353-370. DOI 10.1080/02606755.2021.1955569.
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