Ideological and axiological foundations of the national identity of the Russian and Serbian youth // Međunarodna politika. 2023. Vol. 74, Issue 1188. P. 195-211. DOI 10.18485/iipe_mp.2023.74.1188.9.
ISSN 0543-3657
DOI 10.18485/iipe_mp.2023.74.1188.9
The article attempts to identify the ideological and value bases of the national identity of Russian and Serbian youth – two Slavic countries with strong ties. The phenomenon of national identity of modern Russian and Serbian youth, is of particular interest to comprehend. These two countries have experienced the transit of power and the transformation of collective self-images in the early 90s and have a lot in common: cultural and linguistic ties; the experience of living in the Soviet political system; the collective trauma of the statehood collapse and the following growth of nationalism. On the other hand, many of those factors are obviously being transformed. Thus, at the current stage, the common Slavic identity is losing its former ideological-theoretical and value-semantic content. The hypothesis of the study is that the ideas, meanings, and values that form the basis of the Slavic identity can become one of the factors of the consolidation of Russian and Serbian society, especially in the context of formation of the national-state identity of modern youth. In addition, the dominants of public consciousness and value-semantic matrices identified in the research will make it possible to build a productive dialogue between our countries that have a similar civilizational code. This is of relevance in the current situation of international tension, which will have long-term consequences.
The article was carried out within the framework of a research project of the Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia) and the Institute of International Politics and Economics (Belgrade, Serbia): «Russian-Serbian relations: opportunities and limitations».
Ключевые слова: national identity | values | ideas | Russia | Serbia | youth | Slavs |
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Ссылка при цитировании:
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