22 сентября 2021 г. иранское новостное агентство Mehr News Agency опубликовало статью Марии Хорольской "Waiting for Bundestag election in Germany", посвященную грядущим выборам в Бундестаг, а также будущему внешнеполитическому курсу Германии с приходом нового правительства.
Angela Merkel, who became a heavyweight politician in Europe and in the world, will not run for election after 16 years of leading. And neither political scientists nor average Germans could predict who will be the next head of the government. For several months most of the analytics forecasted the black-green coalition coming to power (the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) /the Christian Social Union (CSU) and Alliance 90/The Greens). But the closer the election is, the less predictable the results are becoming.
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