Статья Андрея Володина

В осеннем номере журнала World Affairs (The Journal of International Issues, Vol. 21, N 3, 2017), опубликована статья д.и.н. Андрея Володина "THE GEOPOLITICS OF CRISSCROSSING RUSSIA–INDIA INVESTMENTS".
Andrey Volodin provides an overview of crisscrossing Russia–India investments and demonstrates that this is a relatively new phenomenon in the history of their relations. He also suggests some policy initiatives which could pave the way for increasing trade and enhancing the competitive advantages of both countries internationally.
This paper provides an overview of crisscrossing Russia–India investments and demonstrates that this is a relatively new phenomenon in the history of their relations. It argues that mutual investments could be supportive of expanding trade as well as “elevate” the geopolitical status of the two states in the world. The paper also identifies a number of barriers faced by business communities in Russia and India when interacting on a bilateral basis in the field of crisscrossing investments and suggests some policy initiatives which could pave the way for increasing trade and enhancing the competitive advantages of both countries internationally.

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В журнале Белградского Центра международных отношений и устойчивого развития (CIRSD) «Horisons» (№ 29, 2025) опубликована статья Станислава Притчина – «Central Asia and the South Caucasus in Russia’s Foreign Policy – Before and After the Ukraine Crisis» («Центральная Азия и Южный Кавказ во внешней политике России – до и после украинского кризиса»).



Александр Крылов выступил на круглом столе «Досрочные президентские выборы в Абхазии: динамика развития ситуации» в Институте стран СНГ на тему предстоящих выборов в Абхазии в контексте перспектив отношений с Россией.


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