В англоязычной версии журнала “Russia in Global Affairs“ опубликована статья Константина Богданова, Бориса Фрумкина и Ирины Кобринской “A Race for the Global South or a Battle for the World Majority: Russia’s Prospects“.
The explosive growth of attention to the Global South – a natural result of the past decade’s synergetic trends – is likely to influence the rapid transformation of the world order that is now underway. Currently, expert attention is predominantly focused on the African continent. This article examines global changes in a broader perspective – with reference to the Global South and the World Majority. Their mammoth resources, underinvested infrastructure, and huge population (i.e., potential consumer market) drive global players to compete for influence in these countries. Compared to the other main actors involved (the U.S., the EU, Gulf monarchies, India, and China), Russia can formulate an original and sustainable approach to the Global South. Russia’s advantages in trade and security, together with its pragmatic diplomacy, remove the political and ideological barriers to bilateral and multilateral relations with the Global South’s politically, economically, and civilizationally diverse states.
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