14 января 2025 г. на сайте Observer Research Foundation вышла статья младшего научного сотрудника Центра Индоокеанского региона ИМЭМО РАН Щедрова Ивана "India and Russia at a crossroads", посвященная анализу основных итогов 2024 г. в двусторонних отношениях между Индией и Россией.
This year demonstrated that, despite prevailing prejudices, India’s commitment to its traditional ties with Russia remains resilient and not prone to sudden shifts. However, it also brought to light the challenges that need to be addressed in the coming years. Many of these, particularly in the military and political spheres, are speculative. In areas like trade and investment, despite record performances, both countries will require structural reforms. To further strengthen their ties, they must address these challenges swiftly and effectively in 2025. However, success will hinge on shifts in Russia’s approach to the West, as well as the stability of India’s positioning.
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