8 сентября 2022 г. на сайте rt.com вышла статья младшего научного сотрудника Группы Южной Азии и региона Индийского океана Глеба Макаревича "India is under pressure, with the West and Ukraine trying to force New Delhi to toe their line on Russia – will they succeed?", посвященная отношению индийских экспертов к обвинениям в "распространении российской пропаганды" со стороны Украины.
"To sum up, any Indian expert could end up on the list of Ukraine’s Center for Countering Disinformation. There are two main paths to unlock this ‘achievement’: questioning narratives based on the Ukrainian coverage and referring to alternative sources of information."
"The variety of points of view that exist in the political, business, military and media circles of India is amazing. However, both “pro-Western” and “pro-Russian” Indian experts are used to analyzing the situation from an Indian perspective and would hardly give up this approach – even if the West expects some of them to chant mantras from Ukrainian actors."
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