8 января 2025 г. на на сайте Института стратегических исследований Исламабада (Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad, ISSI) опубликована статья младшего научного сотрудника Центра Индоокеанского региона Глеба Макаревича “Fulfilling One’s Desire to Strengthen Relations: Russia-Pakistan Cooperation after the 9th IGC”, посвященная перспективам российско-пакистанских отношений по итогам 9-го заседания Межправительственной комиссии по торгово-экономическому и научно-техническому сотрудничеству.
Hence, the 9th Session of the Russia-Pakistan Intergovernmental Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific, and Technical Cooperation laid the basis for Russia and Pakistan to take another step towards genuinely substantive cooperation. Such pushes were of pressing need a long time ago since the parties concerned approached a glass ceiling, limiting further development of bilateral collaboration.
Successful implementation of the highlighted initiatives – primarily, in the energy sector – could be a start for unveiling the vast potential of Russia-Pakistan ties that have been discussed for so long. The realization of these plans is likely to lead Russia and Pakistan to the pathways of strategic partnership.
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