Совместная публикация корейских и российских экспертов


Корейский институт международной экономической политики (KIEP) опубликовал обзор "с результатами совместных исследований корейских и российских экспертов относительно  трехстороннего экономического сотрудничества в контексте меняющейся политической ситуации на Корейском полуострове и в регионе Северо-Восточной Азии – "Peace and Prosperity on the Korean Peninsula and South Korea-North Korea-Russia Trilateral Cooperation".

Авторы: Jaeyoung Lee, Joungho Park, Seok Hwan Kim, Vasily V. Mikheev, Pavel A. Minakir, Sergey A. Karaganov, Natalia Kim, Boogyun Kang, Chorong Kim.

World Economy Brief (November 1, 2019 Vol. 9, No. 24. -  ISSN 2233-9140)

This brief contains the results of joint research conducted by Korean and Russian experts, focusing on the following objectives. First, we wish to illustrate the need for trilateral economic cooperation within the changing political situation on the Korean Peninsula and the Northeast Asian region, through which it will become possible to pursue mutual prosperity within the region and establish a foundation for permanent peace. Our second goal is to perform an in-depth study of the perceptions and situations on each side in regard to South Korea–North Korea–Russia cooperation, through which we can identify the basic directions, tasks and strategies to promote cooperation between the three parties. This approach is particularly timely and significant on an academic level when it comes to identifying strategic connections between Korea’s New Northern Policy and Russia’s New Eastern Policy, and to realize qualitative development in South Korea–Russia relations. Finally, we wish to offer important policy implications for the Korean government as it implements its New Northern Policy and the New Economic Map for the Korean Peninsula, and help produce measures to expand economic cooperation between Korea and Russia in the Russian Far East.


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