Статья Дмитрия Тренина на сайте «Russia Today»


На сайте «Russia Today» опубликована статья в.н.с. Сектора по нераспространению и ограничению вооружений Центра международной безопасности ИМЭМО РАН к.и.н. Дмитрия Тренина «Post-Soviet Russia is dead, but what will replace the West as the country's primary inspiration?».

To describe in one word what 2022 has been for Russia? I would say – transformative.

This is nothing new. Wars invariably reconstruct the foundations of those who wage them. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine is not a minor operation. Even after only ten months, its impact appears to be far bigger than that of the Crimean War of the mid-19th century or the Russo-Japanese war of the beginning of the 20th. The closest analogy one can find in Russian history is the First World War, and not only due to the dominance of artillery and the reality of trench warfare.

This is the first conflict, for Russia, since the Soviet collapse, to require mass – though still limited – mobilization, and will surely be the biggest in terms of casualties sustained.

The war in Ukraine, however, is just a violent element in a wider ‘hybrid’ conflict between Russia and the entire West. Accordingly, it has featured the so-called ‘sanctions from hell’, and then many even more strident measures that few people imagined even a year ago. As a result, Russia is virtually completely locked out from the Western-dominated global financial system.

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Материал ИА «Интерфакс» об очередном ежегодном прогнозе ИМЭМО РАН «Россия и мир» на текущий 2025 г. В этом выпуске речь пойдет о российской экономике, а точнее о проблемах, которые стояли перед российской экономикой в предыдущие годы.



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