Iraq and Syria under Attack of Islamists

Iraq and Syria under Attack of Islamists
// Year of the Planet. 2014. Yearbook. P. 147-155


Abstract. In 2014, both Iraq and Syria became the area of a dual war unleashed by ISIS, a particularly vicious offspring of Al-Qaeda. The Islamist militants proclaimed the Caliphate calling a fellow Muslims to join them. Indeed, Muslims from about 80 countries have already arrived in the new “state”, which is now controlling one-third of Iraq and quarter of Syrian territory. ISIS put forward an offensive strategy, made attacks on Baghdad and then on Iraqi Kurdistan. Attacks were repulsed, however, not so much by the local ground forces, both Arab and Kurdish, as by the successful action of the American air force that President Obama decided to send to Iraq. But soon it become clear that the air war can only prevent ISIS' expansion while unable to destroy their “State”. A paradoxical situation arose, with the Americans trying to fight both Bashar Asad's regime and its enemies. All the participants in this bizarre war seem to be playing double games, coalitions are fragile, no satisfactory outcome is in sight. 

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For citation:
Mirskii G. Iraq and Syria under Attack of Islamists. Year of the Planet. — 2014, pp. 147-155

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