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Periodical Editions
Year of the Planet
Rubrics List
Articles in Rubric:
Afontsev Sergey
Russian economy under pressure of sanctions
Rabotyazhev Nikolay
Ukraine crisis and its political consequences
Solovyev Eduard
Ukraine factor in Russian-American relations
Bogaevskaya Oksana
USA: Difficulties of economic growth and mid-term elections
Pripisnov Vladimir
World Economy - growing inequality and instability of the growth rates
Machavariani Givi
World in 2013 (Tables of World's Development)
Lukonin Sergey
China on the way of reforms
Evseev Vladimir
Iran: Long Way out of Nuclear Stalemate
Zagashvili Vladislav
New stage of multilateral trade negotiations under WTO framework
Mirskii Georgy
Iraq and Syria under Attack of Islamists
Leontyeva Elena
Japan: breaking point of long-term trends in economy
Strezhneva Marina
The European Social Model and prospects for the European Union social policy
Kuznetsov Alexey
Malysheva Dina
Afghanistan and Central Asian states after 2014: war or peace?
Chufrin Gennady
Beginning of the new stage of Eurasian integration
Khesin Efim
Britain: on the eve of general elections
Danilin Ivan
New industrial technology policy of developed nations: should we anticipate 4th industrial revolution? (the USA and Germany cases)
Peregudov Sergey
Referendum on Scotland independence
Preobrazhenskaya Arina
France: socialists in power
Adno Yuri
The metallurgy: hopes on revival
Prokhorenko Irina
Spain: achievements on the way of recovery
Kvashnin Yuri
Political effects of austerity measures in Greece
Bragina Elena
India: parliament elections while decrease of growth rate
Fedorovsky Aleksander
Republic of Korea between modernization and national unification
Nadein-Raevskii Victor
Turkey: 2014 – a year of great change
Denisova Tatyana
Pripisnov Vladimir
Arbatov Alexey
Strezhneva Marina
Ivanova Natalya
Voitolovsky Feodor
Kirichenko Elina
Adno Yuri
Malysheva Dina
Mikheev Vasily
Rylko Dmitry
Kuguchin D.
Arbatova Nadezhda
Leontyeva Elena
Mirskii Georgy
Gutnick V.
Khesin Efim
Preobrazhenskaya Arina
Prokhorenko Irina
Bragina Elena
Martynov Boris
Fedorovsky Aleksander
Kostin A.
Pripisnov Vladimir
Korolev Ivan
M. Margelov
Arbatov Alexey
Baranovsky Vladimir
Primakov Evgeniy
S. Mironov
Shafranik Yu.
Fursenko A.
Sadovnichii V.
Ustinov V.
Ivanov D.
Lalayants I.
Vasilyev Yu.
Martynov V.
B. Gryzlov
V. Alekperov
I. Fedorov
I. Fedorov
Kirichenko Elina
Dabagyan E.
Filonik A.
Volsky A.
Dumova I.
Batalin Yu.
Barabanov O.
V. Balabanov
Gutnick V.
Tutkov M.
Zelenov A.
Oreshkin V.
M. Lapshin
Medvedev Andrey
Vidyapin V.
V. Knyazev
Torkunov Anatoly
Obichkina E.
Zhadetsky O.
Smirnova G.
Yevtushenkov V.
Maksyuta N.
Khramenkov S.
Vladimirov A.
Vladimirov A.
Peregudov Sergey
Baybakov V.
Shauro E.
Agalarov A.
V. Matvienko
Rahman I.
Terentiev A.
Ivanisheva T.
Volodarskaya E.
Ostrovsky A.
Aleksandrov A.
Bodrunov S.
Chub V.
Khasis L.
Uzhva T.
Ivanisheva T.
Leontyeva Elena
Aleksandrov A.
Varnavskii Vladimir
Kovshov A.
Zadorozhnyuk E.
M. Baranov
Maksimova M.
I. Kolesnikova
Mirskii Georgy
Sergeev I.
Shenaev V.
Okuneva L.
Kaulbars A.
Sudarev V.
Ershov M.
Korendyasov E.
Peregudov Sergey
Shevtsova L.
Zudin A.
Kosolapov Nikolay
S. Mironov
V. Alekperov
S. Ignatiev
Sadovnichii V.
Pripisnov Vladimir
Dabagyan E.
Lalayants I.
Kandel Pavel
Kostin A.
B. Gryzlov
Medvedev Andrey
Tosunjan G.
I. Fedorov
Ivanova Natalya
Chepurin A.
Filonik A.
Arbatov Alexey
V. Matvienko
Shafranik Yu.
Akimov Alexander
V. Balabanov
Borko Yu.
Chepurin A.
Zamaraeva N.
Ershov M.
Korotkov L.
Rahman I.
Terentiev A.
Gamza V.
Vidyapin V.
V. Knyazev
Kvasov A.
Maksimova M.
Shlenskaya S.
M. Delyagin
Markelov L.
Khramenkov S.
Strokov M.
Vladimirov A.
Shenaev V.
Bersenyev K.
Shemelin Yu.
Oreshkin V.
Guzhvin A.
Gubenko I.
Roshal A.
Ivanisheva T.
Martsinkevich Victor
Agalarov A.
Mikhailov A.
Uzhva T.
Gutnick V.
Shevtsova L.
Khloponin A.
Obichkina E.
Luzhkov Yu.
M. Prusak
Khesin Efim
Volsky A.
Levin I.
Varnavskii Vladimir
Davydov Vladimir
G. Satarov
Sokolova Polina
Lukin V.
M. Titarenko
Kholodkovskii Kirill
Zhebin A.
Razmerov Vladimir
Mirskii Georgy
Shemelin Yu.
Bykov Oleg
G. Seleznev
Nekipelov A.
V. Alekperov
Miller A.
Medvedev Andrey
Rahman I.
Terentiev A.
Khramenkov S.
Karyukanov A.
S. Ignatiev
Sadovnichii V.
Korgun V.
Okuneva L.
V. Antonov
Lalayants I.
Nedosekin A.
Kostin A.
Mokryy V.
Shmelev N.
Tosunjan G.
I. Fedorov
Shenaev V.
Tolstaya G.
Barabanov V.
Burlatskii F.
Shipov V.
Illarionov A.
Akimov Alexander
V. Balabanov
Martsinkevich Victor
Bystrov V.
Tolstaya G.
Oh Yeon Ile
Pripisnov Vladimir
Yakovlev Vladimir
Bogomolov O.
V. Prokopenko
Torkunov Anatoly
Gutnick V.
Krasnikov K.
Sokolov Yu.
Baranovsky Vladimir
Rakhimov M.
M. Zadornov
Ershov M.
Vladimirov A.
Obichkina E.
Sokolov S.
Simoniya Nodari
E. Rossel
Volsky A.
Klimentyeva M.
Volodarskaya E.
Khesin Efim
Varnavskii Vladimir
Evdokimov Yu.
Yevtushenkov V.
Pustovalov A.
Ivanisheva T.
Leontyeva Elena
Kremenyuk V.
Kulakov V.
V. Lisin
Novikov Yu.
Kovshov A.
M. Titarenko
Rashkovsky Evgeniy
Shamanov V.
Agalarov A.
I. Kolesnikova
Mirskii Georgy
Lisitsyn A.
Gamza V.
Dabagyan E.
Oreshkin V.
Maksimova M.
Luzhkov Yu.
Dzasokhov A.
Zudin A.
Bykov Oleg
G. Seleznev
Illarionov A.
Lukin V.
V. Alekperov
Vilchik V.
S. Ignatiev
I. Fedorov
Martsinkevich Victor
Kostin A.
Lalayants I.
Gusev M.
Arbatov Alexey
Luzhkov Yu.
Nekipelov A.
Baranovsky Vladimir
Becker A.
Gaev D.
S. Egorov
V. Balabanov
Lyasnikova Yu.
Borko Yu.
Levin I.
Teperman Vadim
Pripisnov Vladimir
Yefremov A.
Primakov Evgeniy
Korolev Ivan
Busankin V.
Rudneva V.
Amaryan R.
Kesselman G.
Torkunov Anatoly
Peregudov Sergey
Samarin A.
Shenaev V.
Sumin P.
Shmelev N.
Kostin A.
Telegina Elena
V. Martirosyan
Yu. Lvov
Ivanisheva T.
Gutnick V.
Samarin A.
Maksimova M.
Tuleyev A.
Volsky A.
Ershov M.
Rahman I.
Terentiev A.
Veremeyenko S.
Myasoyedov S.
I. Kolesnikova
Ostrovskaya Helena
D. Tsvetkov
N. Fedorov
Sorokin D.
M. Fedorov
Gubenko I.
Ilchikov M.
M. Titarenko
Drugov A.
Shershunov V.
Dynkin Alexander
Khramenkov S.
Stolyarov V.
Uzhva T.
Rosin V.
Oreshkin V.
Borisov Stanislav
Yarin A.
Vladimirov A.
Zvyagelskaya Irina
Avilova Agnessa
Krestin V.
Korgun V.
Agalarov A.
Semenov Viktor
Varnavskii Vladimir
Bolotin Boris
Hanin G.
Lisov A.
Razmerov Vladimir
Stolyarenko V.
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