Iranian Nuclear Problem: Prospects for Peace or War

Iranian Nuclear Problem: Prospects for Peace or War
// Year of the Planet. 2013. Yearbook. P. 66-81

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the Iran's contemporary program of mastering nuclear energy which it implemented and which would give Iran possibility to come closer to the nuclear threshold. These developments in the best case will cause «chain reaction» of nuclear proliferation both on the regional as well as global scale and in the worst case they will lead to air and missile strike against Iran by the USA or Israel. The author stresses that with the election of Iran’s new President Hassan Rouhani who is a moderate liberal politician and a professional nuclear negotiator the opportunity is appeared to gain a certain compromise in the Iranian nuclear program’s solution on negotiations. In case of negotiation’s failure regional war could become inevitable even in the near future.

Keywords: Iranian Nuclear Problem, non-proliferation of WMD, nuclear threshold, USA, Israel

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For citation:
Arbatov A. Iranian Nuclear Problem: Prospects for Peace or War. Year of the Planet. — 2013, pp. 66-81

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