The «Russian Question» in the Context of Ethno‐National and Federal Relations in the Russian Federation

The «Russian Question» in the Context of Ethno‐National and Federal Relations in the Russian Federation
// Year of the Planet. 2013. Yearbook. P. 190-198

Abstract. The article focuses on the factors that have brought about a considerable diminishment of the role of the Russian nation in the social and political life of contemporary Russia, this resulting in the emergence of the «Russian question». This problem is analyzed in close correlation with the phenomena of nationalism, and the risks this creates for State and society are evaluated. The author sees possible ways of harmonizing ethnonational relations in the country in the promotion, first and foremost, of a more modern model of «new federalism».

Keywords: new federalism, nationalism, state, Russian question, ethnopolitics

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For citation:
Peregudov S. The «Russian Question» in the Context of Ethno‐National and Federal Relations in the Russian Federation. Year of the Planet. — 2013, pp. 190-198

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