Russian‐American relations: trajectory choice at the beginning of a new electoral cycle

Russian‐American relations: trajectory choice at the beginning of a new electoral cycle
// Year of the Planet. 2013. Yearbook. P. 144-155

Abstract. The end of election campaigns in the USA and Russia gave chance for search of ways and means to improve bilateral relations by both states political elites and political leaders. However the new «Reset» version did not happen. The article is devoted to research of the reasons why re-election of B. Obama (pragmatic, with political intuition and not suffering the anti-Russian phobias political leader) has not led to breakthrough in the Russian-American relations.

Keywords: Russian-American relations, the end of reset, elections in the USA, values, national interests, foreign policy

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For citation:
Solovyev E. Russian‐American relations: trajectory choice at the beginning of a new electoral cycle. Year of the Planet. — 2013, pp. 144-155

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