The grouping of industrial enterprises by capacity utilization rate and level of debts to banks (IV Quarter of 2020)

The grouping of industrial enterprises by capacity utilization rate and level of debts to banks (IV Quarter of 2020)
// Russian Economic Barometer. 2021. no. 3(83). P. 17-19

Rubric: Analytics
DOI: 10.20542/2307-0390-2021-3-17-19

Abstract. Russian industrial enterprises, examined by the Russian Economic Barometer are grouped according to two criteria: the level of capacity utilization rate, as well as the level of debts to banks. This grouping allows you to see how key characteristics of enterprises differ depending on how their production capacities are loaded and what level of debts to banks they have. Data are presented for the fourth quarter of 2020.

Keywords: Russia; industrial enterprises; REB statistics; capacity utilization rate; level of debts to banks

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For citation:
Aukutsionek S., Demina N., Bashirova I., Serzhantova T., Belyakov S. The grouping of industrial enterprises by capacity utilization rate and level of debts to banks (IV Quarter of 2020). Russian Economic Barometer, 2021, no. 3(83), pp. 17-19.

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