Sufficiency of industrial enterprises with production and labor resources: consequences of deviation from the “perfect balance”

Sufficiency of industrial enterprises with production and labor resources: consequences of deviation from the “perfect balance”
// Russian Economic Barometer. 2020. no. 3(79). P. 3-15

Rubric: Analytics
DOI: 10.20542/2307-0390-2020-3-3-15

Abstract. The article deals with one of the aspects of adaptation of industrial enterprises to demand: sufficiency of existing production capacities and labor for the annual demand. We used a group of manufacturers whose capacity and labor force were in full correspondence with demand as the base for a comparison. This "ideal" group was compared with others who had an excessive or insufficient volume of the first or second resource in various combinations. In total, nine groups of enterprises were examined. As a result of the analysis, the following conclusions were made. For almost 30 years of observations, the share of enterprises whose capacity and labor met the demand has doubled and exceeded 60%. This group had the biggest share of financially successful enterprises. Over time, lack or excess of resources costs more for enterprises, and the surplus of labor resources has been particularly harmful.

Keywords: industry; sufficiency of production facilities; sufficiency of labor force; demand for the products of enterprises; financial position of manufacturers; the share of financially safe producers; excessive employment; insufficient employment; excessive production capacities; insufficient production capacities

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For citation:
Batyaeva A. Sufficiency of industrial enterprises with production and labor resources: consequences of deviation from the “perfect balance”. Russian Economic Barometer, 2020, no. 3(79), pp. 3-15.

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