// Pathways to Peace and Security. 2018. No 1(54) Special Issue. Humanitarian Challenges, Humanitarian Support and Human Protection in Armed Conflicts. P. 11-43
Stepanova, Ekaterina
Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations
23 Profsoyuznaya ul., Moscow 117997 Russia
Abstract. The article explores how the changing nature of armed violence in modern conflicts affects humanitarian situation and civilian population. The analysis is based on data from the lead conflict datasets and focuses on those modern trends in the forms of armed violence widespread in conflict areas that leave the heaviest footprint on human security and on the state of civilians. The main humanitarian consequences of evolving patterns of violence in conflict and types of damage to civilian population are identified – from direct human losses and destruction of basic infrastructure to forced displacement and indirect damage from hunger, diseases etc. Conclusions include findings about the significance of the study of humanitarian aspects of modern conflicts and their effects on civilian population for humanitarian policy and the way humanitarian activity is interlinked with conflict management and conflict resolution.
Keywords: armed conflicts, humanitarian security, humanitarian damage, civil wars, fragmentation of violence, conflict recurrence, internationalization of conflicts, transnationalization, armed non-state actors, non-state conflicts, criminalization, privatization of war, battle-related deaths, civilian losses, one-sided violence against civilians, terrorism, refugees, internally displaced persons, indirect civilian damage, hunger, epidemics, human security
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