Academic Journal
ISSN 2307-1494 (print version)
ISSN 2311-5238 (online version)
Founded in 1987
Publisher: Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO)
Edited by Group on Peace and Conflict Studies, IMEMO
“Pathways to Peace and Security” [“Puti k miru i bezopasnosti”] is an open-access academic journal published by National Research Institute of the World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO), Russian Academy of Sciences and edited by IMEMO's Group on Peace and Conflict Studies. The journal covers various aspects of contemporary armed conflicts and other forms of collective violence, the problems of conflict prevention, management and post-conflict peace-building, and other human security issues at different levels of world politics. More…
Print ISSN: 2307-1494
Online ISSN: 2311-5238
The manuscripts submitted for consideration by the “Pathways to Peace and Security” journal should:
The manuscript evaluation process has two main stages. At the first stage, the manuscript is evaluated for its relevance to key formal requirements and the editorial board makes a consensual decision on whether to proceed to the review process. At this stage, the manuscript may be rejected on the following grounds:
“Pathways to Peace and Security” is committed to fundamental principles of publication ethics and takes all necessary action to ensure compliance with these principles. The Editorial Board makes every effort to prevent publishing manuscripts prepared with evident violations of academic integrity norms. These violations are addressed according to the Core Practices developed by Committee on Publication Ethics. The Editorial Board is committed to meet high publication standards and to preserve the reputation of the journal as Russia’s lead specialized periodical on peace, conflict, and human security issues.
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