Rubric Index

  1. Academic Event [1 articles]
  2. 60th Anniversary of IMEMO [14 articles]
  3. 80th Anniversary of llya Prigîzhin [1 articles]
  4. A Letter From Bonn [1 articles]
  5. A Letter From Tokyo [2 articles]
  6. A Reader Writes [2 articles]
  7. A Researcher’s Opinion [11 articles]
  8. About Books, About Authors [59 articles]
  9. Academic Council of IMEMO [56 articles]
  10. Academic Event [108 articles]
  11. Advantages of the Integration [1 articles]
  12. Advisory Boards - Japan's Experience [2 articles]
  13. Afghanistan: What's Next! [1 articles]
  14. Africa Today and Tomorrow [13 articles]
  15. An Urgent Problem of Our Time [6 articles]
  16. Analyzing and Criticizing Bourgeois Theories [1 articles]
  17. Answering Readers' Questions [16 articles]
  18. Arctic: New Region of World Policy [27 articles]
  19. Around Books [1005 articles]
  20. Around one Polemic [1 articles]
  21. Asia [5 articles]
  22. Asia and the Pacific Ttoday [1 articles]
  23. Aspects of the Japanese Experience [3 articles]
  24. At Post-Soviet Space [112 articles]
  25. At the Academic Council of IMEMO [2 articles]
  26. At the Crossroads of Opinion [1 articles]
  27. At the IMEMO Academic Council [4 articles]
  28. At the Post-Soviet Space [1 articles]
  29. Back to Published [1 articles]
  30. Back to Published Staff [18 articles]
  31. BRICS: Present and Future [1 articles]
  32. Business Advice [1 articles]
  33. Business Club [4 articles]
  34. Business Ñonsultations [1 articles]
  35. Businessman's Note [1 articles]
  36. Capacities and Limits of the Mineral Wealth Securion [2 articles]
  37. Capitalism at the end of the Twentieth Century [2 articles]
  38. Celebration of à Scientist [1 articles]
  39. Celebrations of Scientis [1 articles]
  40. Challenges of a Holistic World [11 articles]
  41. Challenges of Integration [1 articles]
  42. Challenges of Regional Conflicts [1 articles]
  43. Challenges of the Asia-Pacific Region [7 articles]
  44. Challenges of the holistic world [2 articles]
  45. Challenges of the Scientific and Technological Revolution [2 articles]
  46. China: Domestic and Foreign Policies [91 articles]
  47. China: Issues of Domestic and Foreign Policy [1 articles]
  48. China: Problems of Domestic and Foreign Policies [3 articles]
  49. China: problems of internal and foreign policy [8 articles]
  50. Chinese Affairs [3 articles]
  51. CIS Problems [2 articles]
  52. Civil Society [17 articles]
  53. Civilization Processes of Modern World Development [3 articles]
  54. Common European Integration [1 articles]
  55. Commonwealth Ñountries [2 articles]
  56. Communists and Social Democrats in the Modern World [1 articles]
  57. Comparative Political Science [2 articles]
  58. Confessions of an Intelligence Agent [13 articles]
  59. Conflicts in Modern World [1 articles]
  60. Conjunctural Review [10 articles]
  61. Conjuncture Review [6 articles]
  62. Conservatism Between Past and Present [2 articles]
  63. Contemporary Problems of Development [74 articles]
  64. Contemporary Society and Mass Media [5 articles]
  65. Content of the modern era: a discussion [2 articles]
  66. Continuing the Conversation we Started [1 articles]
  67. Continuing the Conversation we Started. Discussion Questions of Political Economy [1 articles]
  68. Contours of New World Order [2 articles]
  69. Conversations, Interviews [1 articles]
  70. Countries and continents [5 articles]
  71. Countries and region [4 articles]
  72. Countries and Regions [357 articles]
  73. Criticism and Bibliography [34 articles]
  74. Criticism of Bourgeois Theories [3 articles]
  75. Cultural Aspects of the Economy [2 articles]
  76. Debate in Germany [1 articles]
  77. Deepening Inter-Imperialist Contradictions [2 articles]
  78. Defense industry problems [1 articles]
  79. Demographic Issues [3 articles]
  80. Department of MEMO Journal [26 articles]
  81. Development of Far Eastern Countries [1 articles]
  82. Dialogue [4 articles]
  83. Dialogue Between Journalist and Scientist [1 articles]
  84. Dialogue With the Reader [1 articles]
  85. Diplomat's Reflections [1 articles]
  86. Disarmament and Development [1 articles]
  87. Discussion [13 articles]
  88. Discussion. Modern Terrorism in the Context of Globalization [5 articles]
  89. Discussions [36 articles]
  90. Documents [5 articles]
  91. Documents, information, comments [2 articles]
  92. Domestic Political Life Abroad [18 articles]
  93. East Asia: Problems and Perspectives [3 articles]
  94. East Asia: Prospects of Development [50 articles]
  95. East Germany in the EU [2 articles]
  96. East-West [2 articles]
  97. Eastern Europe: Five Years of Reforms [2 articles]
  98. Eastern Europe: What's Next? [4 articles]
  99. Economic and Social Problems of Russia [11 articles]
  100. Economic Experience of Foreign Countries [5 articles]
  101. Economic Monitor [23 articles]
  102. Economic Processes [5 articles]
  103. Economic Seminar [2 articles]
  104. Economic Theory [10 articles]
  105. Economic Theory and Practice [3 articles]
  106. Economics and Journalism [2 articles]
  107. Economics Theories [1 articles]
  108. Economics, Economic Theory [12 articles]
  109. Economist's Tribune [14 articles]
  110. Economy [3 articles]
  111. Economy and Democracy [3 articles]
  112. Economy and Man [3 articles]
  113. Economy, Economic Theory [577 articles]
  114. Editor's Opinion [1 articles]
  115. Education and Social Development [1 articles]
  116. Education Sphere: Trends of Development [2 articles]
  117. Educational Sphere: Trends of Development [10 articles]
  118. Elections For Us and For Them [2 articles]
  119. English Scholar's Point of View [1 articles]
  120. Entrepreneurship in Russia [4 articles]
  121. Entrepreneurship Lessons [1 articles]
  122. Environment and Population [1 articles]
  123. Environmental Issues [2 articles]
  124. Environmental Problems [1 articles]
  125. Environmental Protection [2 articles]
  126. Estimates and Judgments [1 articles]
  127. Estimates, Judgements [2 articles]
  128. Estimates, Judgments [18 articles]
  129. Ethnopolitical Processes and Nation in Changing World [3 articles]
  130. Ethnopolitical Processes and the Nation in the Changing World [10 articles]
  131. Ethnopolitical Processes and the Nations in the Changing World [4 articles]
  132. EU problems [1 articles]
  133. Europe: New Realities [433 articles]
  134. European Dialogues [1 articles]
  135. European Integration [2 articles]
  136. European Perspectives of Russia [2 articles]
  137. European security [2 articles]
  138. Evolution of the Role of Military Force [2 articles]
  139. Experience of Socialist Integration [2 articles]
  140. Expert Judgment [1 articles]
  141. Exploitation: Marxist Theory and Reality [3 articles]
  142. External View [2 articles]
  143. Facts of Recent History [2 articles]
  144. Finance and banks [3 articles]
  145. Finance in our World [2 articles]
  146. Financial markets [2 articles]
  147. For Decision-Makers [8 articles]
  148. For the Jubilee of MGIMO [3 articles]
  149. Foreign Economic Experience [26 articles]
  150. Foreign Experience [6 articles]
  151. Foreign Investment [4 articles]
  152. Foreign Investments [3 articles]
  153. Foreign Meetings [1 articles]
  154. Foreign Meetings, Interviews [1 articles]
  155. Foreign Scholars on our Economic Reforms [3 articles]
  156. Foreign Scientific Thought [9 articles]
  157. Formation and civilisation: methodological problems of analysis [6 articles]
  158. Formation and Civilization: Methodological Problems of Analysis (Continued Discussion) [3 articles]
  159. France and security challenges [2 articles]
  160. France's “White Book” [1 articles]
  161. French Interviews [1 articles]
  162. From History of IMEMO [40 articles]
  163. From history social and political thought [1 articles]
  164. From our Correspondent [2 articles]
  165. From our correspondent in Paris [1 articles]
  166. From the Ditorial Mail [1 articles]
  167. From the editorial mail [3 articles]
  168. From the History of Economic Thought [2 articles]
  169. From the History of IMEMO [9 articles]
  170. From the history of social and political thinking [1 articles]
  171. From the Notes of a Diplomat [1 articles]
  172. From the Pages of the Foreign Press [6 articles]
  173. From Theory to Practice [7 articles]
  174. From Íistory of IMEMO [1 articles]
  175. From Íistory of Social and Political Thought [1 articles]
  176. Geopolitics: new Approaches [1 articles]
  177. Germany în the Verge of Centuries [5 articles]
  178. Germany: Choice of path [1 articles]
  179. Global Crisis: Implications and Prospects [7 articles]
  180. Global Economic trends: 1997 - early 1998 [9 articles]
  181. Global Energy [1 articles]
  182. Global Problems [5 articles]
  183. Global Processes at the Turn of the Millennium [9 articles]
  184. Global Security and Russia [4 articles]
  185. Glorious Anniversaries [1 articles]
  186. Greater Middle East [89 articles]
  187. GRINPIS Report [4 articles]
  188. Historical Process in Europe [1 articles]
  189. History and Modernity [14 articles]
  190. History and Publicity [1 articles]
  191. History Lessons [1 articles]
  192. Horizons of Global Energy [2 articles]
  193. IMEMO Academic Council [4 articles]
  194. IMEMO Annual Forecast [1 articles]
  195. IMEMO Report: a Look Back to 1992 [2 articles]
  196. IMEMO's guests [1 articles]
  197. In Commemoration of Scholar [5 articles]
  198. In Memory of Diligensky Gårman Gårmanîviñh [3 articles]
  199. In the CIS Countries [1 articles]
  200. In the Supreme Soviet of the USSR [5 articles]
  201. Information for reflection [1 articles]
  202. Information, Reviews [1 articles]
  203. Inozemtsev’s Readings [1 articles]
  204. Institute of World Economy and International Relations: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow [12 articles]
  205. Integrated Studies at IMEMO [6 articles]
  206. Integration Issues [5 articles]
  207. Integration Process in Europe [3 articles]
  208. Integration Processes in Europe [2 articles]
  209. Inter-Disciplinary Seminar on Globalization [4 articles]
  210. Interdisciplinary Seminar on Globalization [2 articles]
  211. Internal political life abroad [1 articles]
  212. International Conference [4 articles]
  213. International economic groupings [1 articles]
  214. International Financial Crisis: À New Stage of the Global Economic Development? (at à Session of IMEMO Scientific Board) [11 articles]
  215. International Organisations [1 articles]
  216. International Organizations [1 articles]
  217. International Problems [3 articles]
  218. International Relation Theory [1 articles]
  219. International Relations [6 articles]
  220. International Relations Theory [1 articles]
  221. International Review [11 articles]
  222. International Roundtable [3 articles]
  223. International Scientific Thought [1 articles]
  224. International Tribune [1 articles]
  225. Internationalist Tribune [4 articles]
  226. Issues of Culture [2 articles]
  227. Issues of Global Development [2 articles]
  228. Issues of the International Labor Movement [1 articles]
  229. Japan and lts Surrounding [3 articles]
  230. Japan: Reality and Prospects [3 articles]
  231. Jubilee [1 articles]
  232. Jubilee of IMEMO [1 articles]
  233. Jubilee of the scientist [1 articles]
  234. Judgment of a Political Scientist [2 articles]
  235. Kaliningrad Region: Two Views [1 articles]
  236. Labor market [3 articles]
  237. Labor Resources [1 articles]
  238. Latin America [1 articles]
  239. Latin America: in Search of Its Way [3 articles]
  240. Latin America: in Search of Own Way [36 articles]
  241. Latin American Issues [1 articles]
  242. Lessons in Entrepreneurship [12 articles]
  243. Letter From Tokyo [4 articles]
  244. Letter to editors [16 articles]
  245. Letter to “ÌÅÌΔ [1 articles]
  246. Letters of Comment [1 articles]
  247. Letters to the Editor [1 articles]
  248. Life in science [1 articles]
  249. Lletter From Vienna [1 articles]
  250. Local Authorities [1 articles]
  251. Market Economy for Russia [4 articles]
  252. Market review [23 articles]
  253. Market Rreview [14 articles]
  254. Meeting-Dialogue [1 articles]
  255. Meetings, interviews [19 articles]
  256. Memoires of Eyewitness [1 articles]
  257. Memory of Academician Martynov [1 articles]
  258. Memory of the Scientist [1 articles]
  259. Methodological Rejoinder [1 articles]
  260. Migration in Contemporary World [36 articles]
  261. Migrations in Contemporary World [24 articles]
  262. Migrations in Modern World [2 articles]
  263. Military Build-up [3 articles]
  264. Military industry and arms trade [2 articles]
  265. Modern Federalism and Federation Relationships [1 articles]
  266. Modern information space [1 articles]
  267. Modern Mass Media [2 articles]
  268. Modern Society and Mass Media [4 articles]
  269. Modern Society and Media [1 articles]
  270. Modernity and Publicity [2 articles]
  271. Moscow Summit [5 articles]
  272. National Consciousness and Nationalism [2 articles]
  273. Nature of national conflicts [1 articles]
  274. Neutrality in a Post-Confrontational Europe [1 articles]
  275. New Financial Technologies [2 articles]
  276. New in a Familiar Concept [1 articles]
  277. New in Banking [2 articles]
  278. New in the Economics of Capitalism [5 articles]
  279. New in the Trade Union Movement [3 articles]
  280. Non-Western Political Theories [2 articles]
  281. North and South America [4 articles]
  282. North-South [1 articles]
  283. Norwegian Interview [1 articles]
  284. Notes eyewitness [1 articles]
  285. Notes From a Cultural Critic [1 articles]
  286. Notes of a Sociologist [2 articles]
  287. Notes of Insider [1 articles]
  288. Novelties in World Economy [2 articles]
  289. On European Social Democracy [1 articles]
  290. On Pages of Foreign Editions [1 articles]
  291. On the 200th Anniversary of the French Revolution [2 articles]
  292. On the 50th Anniversary of the Death of A. Gramshi [1 articles]
  293. Opinion of a Dutch Scientist [1 articles]
  294. Opinion of a Finnish Scientist [1 articles]
  295. Opinion of a Foreign Scientist [2 articles]
  296. Opinion of a Japanese Scientist [1 articles]
  297. Opinion of a Norwegian Scientist [1 articles]
  298. Opinion of a Scholar [1 articles]
  299. Opinion of an American Scientist [1 articles]
  300. Opinion of an Expert [1 articles]
  301. Opinions [2 articles]
  302. Opinions of English Academics [1 articles]
  303. Our Comments [32 articles]
  304. Our Correspondent Abroad [18 articles]
  305. Our Economic Seminar [2 articles]
  306. Our interview [1 articles]
  307. Our interviews [1 articles]
  308. Our Research [1 articles]
  309. Our Ñomments [3 articles]
  310. Overview, Information [2 articles]
  311. Pacific Asia: Prospects for Development [21 articles]
  312. Pages of History [8 articles]
  313. Point of View [85 articles]
  314. Polemics [3 articles]
  315. Politic and Society [3 articles]
  316. Political Affairs and Institutes [3 articles]
  317. Political Affairs and Institutions [3 articles]
  318. Political Diary [5 articles]
  319. Political Life in Russia [2 articles]
  320. Political Movements [2 articles]
  321. Political Parties and Organizations [2 articles]
  322. Political parties and organizations abroad [2 articles]
  323. Political Portrait [13 articles]
  324. Political Relations and Institutions [1 articles]
  325. Political Scientist's Field Research [1 articles]
  326. Political Scientist's Opinion [1 articles]
  327. Political Scientist's Reflections [24 articles]
  328. Political Theory [6 articles]
  329. Politics and Society [98 articles]
  330. Politics in Memories [1 articles]
  331. Population problems [1 articles]
  332. Portrait of a Firm [1 articles]
  333. Portrait of a Monopoly [1 articles]
  334. Portrait of a Scientist [3 articles]
  335. Portrait of Monopoly [2 articles]
  336. Portrait of the Industry [2 articles]
  337. Portrait of the Modern Corporation [1 articles]
  338. Postindustrial World: Centre, Periphery, Russia [2 articles]
  339. Presentation [1 articles]
  340. Privatization in Russia [2 articles]
  341. Pro memoria [24 articles]
  342. Problems of Defense Industry [4 articles]
  343. Problems of Democracy [1 articles]
  344. Problems of Military Build-Up [1 articles]
  345. Problems of Military Building [1 articles]
  346. Problems of Privatization [10 articles]
  347. Problems of Scientific Knowledge Theory [14 articles]
  348. Problems of Security and Cooperation in Asia-Pacific Region [1 articles]
  349. Problems of the Asia-Pacific Region [6 articles]
  350. Problems of the world ocean [2 articles]
  351. Problems of Theory of Scientific Knowledge [3 articles]
  352. Problems of Transition to a Market Economy [2 articles]
  353. Problems of WTO [3 articles]
  354. Publicist's Reflections [2 articles]
  355. Publicity [8 articles]
  356. Quarterly Review [1 articles]
  357. Quarterly Review of the “MEMO Journal” [1 articles]
  358. Quarterly Review of the “MEMO Journal” [7 articles]
  359. Questionnaire of “MEMO Journal” [1 articles]
  360. Questionnaire of MEMO Journal [2 articles]
  361. Questions of political theory [1 articles]
  362. Reflections on security [1 articles]
  363. Reflections on the Reading [4 articles]
  364. Regional Economic Problems [1 articles]
  365. Regional Issues [2 articles]
  366. Regional problems [1 articles]
  367. Regions of Russia [1 articles]
  368. Reinventing Russia [5 articles]
  369. Religion and Society [2 articles]
  370. Replica [4 articles]
  371. Report [2 articles]
  372. Research Laboratory [2 articles]
  373. Researcher's Viewpoint [1 articles]
  374. Researcher’s Opinion [8 articles]
  375. Resonance [1 articles]
  376. Respond to readers' letters [1 articles]
  377. Responding to Readers' Letters [2 articles]
  378. Responding à Question [1 articles]
  379. Reviews [2 articles]
  380. Reviews and Information [1 articles]
  381. Reviews, Information [135 articles]
  382. Roundtable [89 articles]
  383. Roundtable of IMEMO [1 articles]
  384. Roundtable of MEMO Journal [8 articles]
  385. Russia and China: Two Vision of thå Ðroblåm [2 articles]
  386. Russia in the Modern World [12 articles]
  387. Russia on the threshold of a new millennium [5 articles]
  388. Russia în Verge of Centuries [2 articles]
  389. Russia's European Perspectives [1 articles]
  390. Russia, USA, NÀÒÎ [2 articles]
  391. Russia: Economics, Politics [208 articles]
  392. Russia: Economics, Politics, Society [24 articles]
  393. Russia: Economy, Politics [5 articles]
  394. Russia: Economy, Politics, Society [21 articles]
  395. Russian Economic Barometer [1 articles]
  396. Science and Innovation [1 articles]
  397. Science and Innovations [14 articles]
  398. Scientific Conference [1 articles]
  399. Scientific Enquiry Laboratory [1 articles]
  400. Scientific life [11 articles]
  401. Scientific Review [2 articles]
  402. Scientist and Society [1 articles]
  403. Scientist's Opinion [1 articles]
  404. Scientist's Point of View [2 articles]
  405. Security and Arms [1 articles]
  406. Security in Contemporary World [2 articles]
  407. Security in the Asia-Pacific Region [2 articles]
  408. Security Problems in Contemporary World [174 articles]
  409. Silk Road and the Prospects of Greater Eurasia [3 articles]
  410. SIPRI Conference [3 articles]
  411. Situation Analysis [1 articles]
  412. Situation in the Main Countries [22 articles]
  413. Social Affairs [33 articles]
  414. Social and labor Relations [4 articles]
  415. Social Democracy in New Conditions [1 articles]
  416. Social Democracy in Russia [1 articles]
  417. Social Democracy Today [2 articles]
  418. Social Democracy under New Conditions [6 articles]
  419. Social Problems [10 articles]
  420. Social Reformism on the Threshold of the New Millennium [3 articles]
  421. Socialist Internationalism in Action [1 articles]
  422. Socio-Political Affairs [2 articles]
  423. Sociological Research [1 articles]
  424. Sociological Survey [2 articles]
  425. Sociologist's Judgment [3 articles]
  426. Sociologist's Judgments [4 articles]
  427. Sociologist's Point of View [1 articles]
  428. Sociologist's Tribune [1 articles]
  429. South Asia in Regional and World Politics [10 articles]
  430. State Structure Abroad [1 articles]
  431. State Support for Small Business [2 articles]
  432. Statistical analysis [1 articles]
  433. Statistical Appendix [3 articles]
  434. Statistics [33 articles]
  435. Survey Results [6 articles]
  436. Surveys, Information [11 articles]
  437. Taiwan: ÐãîÛåms and Pãospects [2 articles]
  438. The 1988 Elections and the Political Situation in France [2 articles]
  439. The Balkans: the development of the situation [5 articles]
  440. The Debate Around SOI [2 articles]
  441. The Economist on Ecology [1 articles]
  442. The Economy of the Capitalist World in 1987 [4 articles]
  443. The Economy of the Capitalist World in 1988 [6 articles]
  444. The Economy of the Capitalist World in 1989 [2 articles]
  445. The Edges of the Middle East Conflict [1 articles]
  446. The Federal Republic of Germany Today: Facts and Problems [2 articles]
  447. The Future of a United World [2 articles]
  448. The Future of Europe – two Points of View [2 articles]
  449. The Great Poet's 200th Anniversary [1 articles]
  450. The Information Field Today [1 articles]
  451. The Judgement of a Cultural Critic [1 articles]
  452. The Judgment of a Cultural Critic [2 articles]
  453. The Language of the Document [1 articles]
  454. The Post-industrial World: the Centre, the Peripbery, Russia [4 articles]
  455. The situation in the Middle East [2 articles]
  456. The Topic Suggested by the Reader [1 articles]
  457. The UK and European Security [2 articles]
  458. The USSR and the Asia-Pacific Region [2 articles]
  459. The World at the Beginning of Millennium [280 articles]
  460. The World at the Threshold of Millennium [42 articles]
  461. The World's Oceans Through the Eyes of an Expert [1 articles]
  462. The XIX Party Conference and the Problems of World Development [2 articles]
  463. Theoretical seminar named acad. Martynov [2 articles]
  464. Theory of Politics [1 articles]
  465. Theory of International Relations [6 articles]
  466. Theory of Politics [14 articles]
  467. Three Ñonferences in Saint-Petersburg [1 articles]
  468. Through the Eyes of an Eyewitness [2 articles]
  469. Through the Pages of Foreign Print [1 articles]
  470. To the 1000th Anniversary of the Adoption of Christianity in Russia [1 articles]
  471. To the 80th anniversary of Ilya Prigozhin [1 articles]
  472. To the 80th Anniversary of October [3 articles]
  473. To the centenary of the conversion of the Russian ruble [1 articles]
  474. Tools of economic analysis [1 articles]
  475. Tools of the market economy [1 articles]
  476. Topical Interviews [1 articles]
  477. Toward Economic Reform in China [1 articles]
  478. Towards a United Europe [1 articles]
  479. Towards Disarmament [2 articles]
  480. Towards the XXVII Congress of the CPSU [12 articles]
  481. Tribune of the Economist and International [1 articles]
  482. Tribune of the Economist and Internationalist [5 articles]
  483. Tribune of the International [2 articles]
  484. Tribunå for Disñussion [1 articles]
  485. Two Perspectives on the Problem [3 articles]
  486. Two Views of the Problem [4 articles]
  487. Two Views of à Problem [2 articles]
  488. UN Documents [2 articles]
  489. UN experts on reforms [1 articles]
  490. USA: Economics, Politics, Society [4 articles]
  491. USA: Politics and Society [124 articles]
  492. USSR in the System of World Economic Relations [4 articles]
  493. We and Europe: a Common Future [2 articles]
  494. Western Europe [10 articles]
  495. Western Science of Perestroika [2 articles]
  496. World Civilizations in Globalizing World [22 articles]
  497. World Civilizations in the Globalizing World [2 articles]
  498. World Economv Links and Economical Growth: the Developing Countries Experience and Russia (À Discussion) [8 articles]
  499. World Economy at the Threshold of Centuries [10 articles]
  500. WORLD ECONOMY TRENDS: 1998 - EARLY 1999 [12 articles]
  501. World Economy Trends: 1999-early 2000 [11 articles]
  502. World Energy after the Pandemic [3 articles]
  503. World Energy: Trends and Prospects [5 articles]
  504. World of the Millennium [14 articles]
  505. WTO and Developing World [2 articles]
  506. Äèñêóññèè [1 articles]
  507. Åñînîmy [1 articles]
  508. Íistory and Modernity [2 articles]
  509. Ñultural Scientist Reflections [1 articles]
  510. “Global” Confrontation or Dialog of Ideas! [4 articles]
  511. “Pan-European House” [2 articles]
  512. “Star Wars” And Washington's Allies [2 articles]
  513. “The Common Spaces” [12 articles]

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Dear authors! Please note that in the VAK List of peer-reviewed scientific journals, in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of sciences should be published for the “MEMO Journal” the following specialties are recorded:
economic sciences:
5.2.5. World Economy.
5.2.1. Economic Theory
5.2.3. Regional and Branch Economics
political sciences:
5.5.4. International Relations
5.5.1. History and Theory of Politics
5.5.2. Political Institutions, Processes, Technologies


Current Issue
2024, vol. 68, No. 12
Topical Themes of the Issue:
  • Mechanisms of International Financial Relations in the Conditions of Globalization Crisis  
  • “New” Militarization of Europe?
  • Foreign Economic Policy of Germany: African Vector
  • Transformation of the Conflict Field in Abkhazia: Contemporary Politics and Historical Context

Dear authors of the journal!

Please note that the author's copies of the issues in which your texts are published are kept in the editorial office for no more than one year. After this period expires, the editorial office has the right to dispose of unclaimed copies at its own discretion.


Submit an Article
The Editorial Board invites authors to write analytical articles on the following topics:
  • changes in the processes of globalization in modern conditions
  • formation of the new world order
  • shifts in civilization at the stage of transition to a digital society

The editors are also interested in publishing synthesis articles / scientific reviews revealing the main trends in the development of certain regions of the world - Latin America, Africa, South Asia, etc.