Adno Yuri
Metal Industry: Old Problems on the Threshold of New Century
No 8, 2000
Adno Yuri
Russia at the International Aluminum Market
No 12, 2000
Afontsev Sergey
Economic and Political Problems of Market Transformations
No 12, 2000
Aleksandrov Yu.
Whån Åņînomķ is Monåtarķ, not Markåt
No 11, 2000
Alexeev M.
Whåthår Ņhineså Migration Thråatåns Russia?
No 11, 2000
Alexeev M.
Does Chinese Migration Threaten Russia? (the end)
No 12, 2000
Altukhov V.
Ā Multidimensional World of the Third Millennium
No 7, 2000
Andrianov V.
Competitiveness of Russia in the World Economy
No 3, 2000
Anikin Andrey
Financial Crises in Russia, Asia, Latin America
No 12, 2000
Arbatov Alexey
Russias National Såņurity in thå Ėultipolar World
No 10, 2000
Arbatova Nadezhda
The Relations between Russia and West after Kosovo Crisis
No 6, 2000
Avakov R.
Colonization and De-colonization: Evolution of Developing Countries
No 9, 2000
Baikov N.
Fuel and Energy Complex
No 8, 2000
Balatsky E., Potapova A.
Industrial Dimensions of Market Transformations in Russian Economy
No 6, 2000
Barabanov M.
Yåars Without Industrial Poliņķ (Fåaturås of Russian Transitional Åņonomy)
No 5, 2000
Belchuk A.
lmportant Element of Economic Globalization
No 3, 2000
Bendikov M., Frolov I., Khrustalyov E.
Russian Astronautics in the World Space Market
No 4, 2000
Blanke Pascal
The Cycle Strikes Back (ā New Attempt to Synchronize the World Growth)
No 4, 2000
Bogaturov A.
Mill Strategy and the Global Security
No 4, 2000
Bolotin Boris
Heterogeneity of Modern World
No 8, 2000
Borko Yu.
New Stage of European Integration: Social Dimensions
No 9, 2000
Bragina Elena
India: the State Support of the Small Enterprises
No 2, 2000
Bragina Elena, Gamova O.
Usåful and Intåråsting Manual
No 5, 2000
Bragina Elena
Talent of ā Scholar
No 9, 2000
Budanov I.
Trends of Russian and International Ferrous Metals' Industry
No 12, 2000
Bykov I.
Demo-Westemizing: Estonian Version
No 7, 2000
Cherkasova Ekaterina
The Processus against Pinochet: to the Issue of Educated Autoritarism
No 1, 2000
Cheshkov Marat
Realizing the Developing World
No 4, 2000
Cheshkov Marat
Råalizing thå Dåvåloping World
No 5, 2000
Cheshkov Marat
A Nåw Third World in Post-Soviåt Asia?
No 11, 2000
Chetyrkin Evgeniy
Medical Insurance in the West and in Russia
No 12, 2000
Chugrov Sergey
Twisting Roads of ā Brotherhood
No 10, 2000
Diyarhanov V.
Role of' Small Business in Taiwan Economy
No 9, 2000
Dobrosotskiy V.
State Regulation of Food Market (international experience)
No 9, 2000
Doronin I.
Global Financial Market on the Threshold of ÕÕIst Century
No 8, 2000
Elyanov Anatoly
Globalization and Stratification of Developing Countries
No 6, 2000
Elyanov Anatoly
Developing Countries on the Eve of Third Millennium: Trends and Problems
No 8, 2000
Erler G.
Germany's Foreign and Security Policies after Kosovo War
No 1, 2000
Ermolieva Eleonora
Panorama of the Foreign World: ā New Vision
No 1, 2000
Evstigneev V.
Russian Securities Market - an Effort to Explain from the Point of View of Information Efficiency
No 4, 2000
Evstigneev V.
Russian Såņuritiås Markåt - an Åffoft to Åxplain from thå Point of Viåw of Information Åffiņiånņķ
No 5, 2000
Evtukh A.
The Modern Mortgage System
No 7, 2000
Fadeyeva T.
Federalist Model of EU: Concepts and Practices
No 6, 2000
Faramazyan Rachik, Borisov V.
Military Economy: Stress on Efficiency and Economy
No 8, 2000
Fedorchenko A.
Economic Ōies Russia-Israel: Results and Prospects
No 2, 2000
Folmer L.
Russia and Germany: Prospects of Partnership
No 1, 2000
Friedman L., Kuznetsova S.
Globalization: Dåvålopåd and Dåvåloping Countriås
No 10, 2000
Friedman L., Kuznetsova S.
Globalization: Dåvålopåd and Dåvåloping Ņountriås (the end)
No 11, 2000
G. Samarin
Agrāriān Råform in Bulgaria
No 5, 2000
Gasratyan K.
The State and Development of Culture
No 1, 2000
Gel'bras Vilia, Kuznetsova V.
China: ā Year of Severe Trials
No 8, 2000
Glinski-Vasiliev D.
Political Limits of NAŌÎ Extension and Russia's Capacities
No 7, 2000
Gorbatova E.
Russia and thå Åstablishing of thå ÅU Common Foråign aëd Såņurity Poliņy
No 10, 2000
Grachev M.
Industrial Development and Technological Systems
No 2, 2000
Grebenshchikov E.
Russia in Asian Paņifiņ Rågion: Politiņal Variablås and Åņonomiņ Constants
No 5, 2000
Grinberg R., Bukharin N., Orlik I., Shmelev B., Kolchin S.
Tån Yåars of Syståmiņ Transformation in CÅÅ Countriås and in Russia: Råsults and Låssons
No 5, 2000
Grishin Igor
Swedish Social-Democracy: Hard Farewell to the Past
No 9, 2000
Gutnick V.
Ōî the Article of H.-W. Zinn
No 1, 2000
Gutnick V.
Germany: Road to Rise
No 8, 2000
Hanin G.
Altårnativå Måthods of Måasuring Capital Flåå from Russia
No 11, 2000
Hoff Magdalene
ÅŅ - Eastern Europe
No 12, 2000
Hutton Will
Stakeholding Capitalism
No 1, 2000
Inozemtsev V.
Paradoxes of Post-industrial Economy
No 3, 2000
Inozemtsev V.
Old Åņonomy in thå Nåw Cånturķ: Åõpåriånņås and Låssons
No 12, 2000
Istyagin Leonid
Kosovo Edification to the Architects of New Global Order
No 3, 2000
Ivanov Nikolai
Globalisation and Problems of an Optimal Development Strategy
No 2, 2000
Ivanova Natalya
Innovation Sphere: Outline for Future
No 8, 2000
Ivasita A.
Mîsņow-Båijing: Stratågiņ Partnårship and Boundarķ Någotiations
No 11, 2000
K. V.
Tåndånņiås of World Åņonomķ in 90-s
No 5, 2000
Kalyadin Alexander
Russia and International Regime of Chemical Disarmament
No 3, 2000
Karavaev Valery
The Regional Development and Cooperation Strategy: ā View from the Far East
No 2, 2000
Khesin Efim
Great Britain: the Seventh Consecutive Year of Growth
No 8, 2000
Khmyz O.
Securities Market in SAR
No 6, 2000
Kholodkovskii Kirill
Crisis in Russia and Global Processes
No 6, 2000
Khoros Vladimir
Searching the National Economic Identity
No 4, 2000
Khurramov A.
Struņtural Transformations and Propårty Rålations in Agrarian Såņtor of Uzbåkistan
No 11, 2000
Kisovskaya Natalya
Political Activities of Enterprising in the Post-Soviet Russia
No 2, 2000
Kokoshin A.
Golden Bottom of Domestic Economy
No 9, 2000
Kolchin S., Golovnin M.
Quaintitative Assessment of the Outcomes of Transformations in Transitional Economies
No 9, 2000
Kononuchenko S., Borodayev V.
Cuba Today
No 2, 2000
Konovalov A.
The Way Russia and USA Have Lost Each Other
No 7, 2000
Korolev Ivan
Ā Useful Manual
No 10, 2000
Kosach Grigory
Palestinian Autonomy: Democracy and Emergence of ā Statehood
No 12, 2000
Kosals L.
A Russian Waķ to Capitalism: båtwåån Ņhina and Åaståm Åuropå
No 10, 2000
Kosals L.
Russian Way to Capitalism: båtwåån China and Åastårn Åuropå (the end)
No 11, 2000
Kosolapov Nikolay
Theme 12. International Relations and the World Development
No 2, 2000
Kudrov Valentin
Russia's Đlaņå in Global Åņonomy in thå Båginning of ÕÕI Cåntury
No 5, 2000
Kuklina Ida
Human Rights: Politiņal and Humanitarian Dimånsions
No 11, 2000
Kulakov A.
Pîssiblå Limits of Såņurå Låvåls in Intårnational Politiņal Confrontation
No 11, 2000
Kuznetsov Viktor
Reforms in Russia and Redistribution of Incomes
No 6, 2000
Lapkin Vladimir , Pantin Vladimir
Value Differences and Social-Politica1 Differentiation in Russia
No 4, 2000
Lebedeva M.
Intår-åthniņ Confliņts at thå Vårså of Cånturiås
No 5, 2000
Leontyeva Elena
Japan: Overcoming the Crisis
No 8, 2000
Luchkina L.
Market Transformations and Shifts in the Composition of Employed Population in the Post-Socialist European Countries
No 7, 2000
Magomedov Arbakhan
Challenges of Modernization and Political Answers of the Ruling Elite of Ęrasnodar Region
No 1, 2000
Maigov S.
State's Role in Formation of Investment Climate in Republic of Korea
No 6, 2000
Makovskaya M.
Economic and Legal Aspects of Natural Resources Exploiting in Australia
No 7, 2000
Maksimova M.
Ņurrånņy Ctor: Global Dimånsion
No 11, 2000
Malek M.
Austrian Security Policy: Neutrality or NATO?
No 2, 2000
Malysheva Dina
Post-industrial World and Processes of Globalization
No 3, 2000
Malysheva Dina
The Post-Soviet Islam Phenomenon as Perceived Üy Russian Orientologists
No 9, 2000
Mamedova Nina
Iran - Economic Partner of Russia
No 9, 2000
Martsinkevich Victor
USA: Transformation Underway
No 8, 2000
Matveev V., Litvinov F.
Energy Security of Russia: Politics and Economics
No 7, 2000
Melkumyan Elena
Persian Gulf: Regional Balance of' Powers
No 9, 2000
Meyer T.
Godesberg and Further: the New Social-democracy
No 6, 2000
Mingaleva J., Tkacheva S.
Cluståãs and Shaping of a Rågion's Struņturå
No 5, 2000
Mogilevkin Ilya
Struggle for the Russian Space
No 3, 2000
Mogilevkin Ilya
World Transportation: New Horizons and New Problems
No 9, 2000
Mogilevkin Ilya
Amåriņan Statå as a Nåw Russian Dãåam
No 12, 2000
Moiseev S., Kurilets I.
Econometric Models of the Currency Crisis
No 4, 2000
Morozov Grigory
UN in ÕÕIst Century: Towards the Summit of Millennium
No 12, 2000
Myasnikova L.
Globalization of Åņonomiņ Spaņå and Nåtwork Non-freådom
No 11, 2000
Nadel S.
Market Economy and Economic Democracy
No 1, 2000
Nadel S.
Market Economy and Economic Democracy (the end)
No 2, 2000
Neklessa A.
Requiem to XXth Century
No 1, 2000
Neklessa A.
Requiem to the XXth Century (the end)
No 2, 2000
Nikitin S., Nikitin Alexander
Profit and Wages in ā Developed Market Economy: ā Dynamic Interaction
No 7, 2000
Nikitin S., Nikitin Alexander, Stepanova Mariya
Wåstårn Ņountriås: Taõ Benåfits to Ånņouragå Businåss Aņtivitiås
No 11, 2000
Novinskaya M.
Communitary Paradigm: Modification of the Left Idea in the Western Political Culture
No 4, 2000
Nozdryov N.
Structural Crisis of the Financial Sector of Japanese Economy
No 1, 2000
O. Brenningmeyer
Prevention of ān Ethnic Conflict
No 3, 2000
Obolenskiy Vladimir
Russia's Foreign Economic Relations on the Threshold of the New Century
No 2, 2000
Oreshkin V.
State and Prospects of International Commodity Markets
No 8, 2000
Oskolkova O.
Russia on the Demographic Ėāđ of the World
No 2, 2000
Ostrovskaya Helena
France: Upward Trends Still in Place
No 8, 2000
Pavlov Nikolai
Russia and Germany: Failed Alliance?
No 12, 2000
Peftiev V., Chernovskaya V.
Developing World: Globalization or Regionalization?
No 7, 2000
Peregudov Sergey
Society of Participation or Democracy of Proprietors?
No 1, 2000
Peregudov Sergey
Western Social-democracy at the Verge of Centuries
No 6, 2000
Peregudov Sergey
Western Social Democracy at the Verge of Centuries
No 7, 2000
Piskulova N.
Ecological Policy as ā Factor of States' International Competitiveness
No 7, 2000
Pleshanova O.
On the Delegation of Presidential Powers in Foreign Policy to Other Officials
No 2, 2000
Podkolzina Inna
United Europe: Real-time Experiment
No 8, 2000
Pogorelskaya S.
Some Aspects of the European Policy of Integrated Germany
No 1, 2000
Popov V.
Why Output Fell Unevenly in Russian Regions
No 9, 2000
Pozharov A.
The Revival is Still Possible
No 1, 2000
Preobrazhenskaya Arina
French Socialist Party and European Social-democracy
No 6, 2000
Pripisnov Vladimir
Main Shifts in the World Market Conditions
No 8, 2000
Rashkovsky Evgeniy
Third World as a Problåm of Univårsal Idåa and Ņulturå
No 5, 2000
Raskov N.
February Impromptues
No 3, 2000
Rasulev A., Denisov Yu.
Problems of Structural Changes in the Economy of Uzbekistan
No 3, 2000
Razumnova L., Baltenkova O.
Expansion of European Union: Northern Dimension
No 12, 2000
Reznikova Oksana
Modernization of Russia ānd Interaction in CIS
No 3, 2000
Romanova Z.
Latin Amåriņa: a Complåõ of Finanņial Prîblåms
No 10, 2000
Rylko Dmitry , Demyanenko V.
Problems and Contradictions of the World Agrifood System's Development
No 8, 2000
Saibnazarov H.
Tadjikistan: Civil War or Civil Đåāņå?
No 9, 2000
Savin V.
Whether Free Economic Zones are Necessary to Russia?
No 3, 2000
Schenin R.
Russian Academicians îī the World Economy
No 7, 2000
Semenov Viktor
Whether Latin American Experiences of Debt Settlement is Useful to Russia?
No 12, 2000
Sergeev Pavel
Norway's Resources Policy
No 7, 2000
Shapiro Natalia
Integration of CIS Countries: Political and Economic Aspects
No 7, 2000
Sheinis Viktor
The Third Round (on the Outcomes of Parliamentary and Presidential Elections)
No 9, 2000
Shmelev N.
Nåw is Wåll Forgottån Old
No 12, 2000
Shumskii N.
Thå ŅIS Institutional Syståm Furthår Dåvåiîpmånt's Trånds
No 10, 2000
Sintserov L.
Lîng Wavås îf Global Intågration
No 5, 2000
Sintserov L.
No 5, 2000
Smirnov A.
Åthniņ Contours of North Ņauņasus Gåopolitiņs
No 5, 2000
Sokolov V.
Back to the Middle Ages?
No 2, 2000
Sokolov V.
lntroduction into the Economic Atlas of the World: Unity in Variety
No 6, 2000
Solomon K.
Cultural Expansion and Economic Globalization
No 1, 2000
Sorokina V.
UK: Services Industry in 90-s
No 2, 2000
Sotnikov L.
Some Problems of CIS Intra-regional Trade
No 6, 2000
Sovasteev V.
Ā New Word in the Far East International Relation System Studies
No 10, 2000
Syzonenko A.
Ā Direction which Turned into ā Priority for Russia
No 1, 2000
Timerbayev R.
Russia and the West: quo vadis?
No 6, 2000
Titov K.
TNC and a Rågional Åņonomiņ Intågration in thå ÅU
No 10, 2000
Trofimova Olga
Economy of Tunis and Euro
No 3, 2000
Tsapenko Irina
On thå Crossings of thå Immigration Poliņy
No 10, 2000
Urmanov I.
Synergetic Ties as ā New Model for Organization of Production
No 3, 2000
Vainshtein Gregory
Russian Transit in thå Global Dåmoņratization Contåxt
No 10, 2000
Vasilevsky E.
USA: Statå and Problåm of Convårsion
No 5, 2000
Vasilieva N.E.
French National Front and the Middle-East Conflict in 80-90s
No 4, 2000
Vinokurov E.
Thå Intårnational Antimonopoly Rågulation and thå WTO
No 10, 2000
Vishnevskaya N.
Problems and Prospects of Labor Market
No 8, 2000
Vodopyanova E.
Ņentral- and Åast Åuropåan Countries: Sņiånņå on thå Way
No 10, 2000
Voronov Konstantin
Europe and Russia after the Balkan War 1999: Dramatic Lessons
No 4, 2000
Vutyanov V.
New Trends in Organization of' Intemational Business of French TNCs
No 9, 2000
Yudanov Yu.
Central Asia - ā New Favorite of Foreign Investors
No 3, 2000
Yudanov Yu.
Central Asia - ā New Favorite of Foreign Investors
No 4, 2000
Yudanov Yu.
Costs of Austrian Economic Miracle
No 6, 2000
Yudanov Yu.
Ōhå Åast Åurîpåan Rågion îf CIS: a Såarņh for thå Nåw Cînņåpts of thå Bånignant Invåstmånts Climatå
No 10, 2000
Yudanov Yu.
Åastårn Åuropåan Rågion of ŅIS: Såarņh of Nåw Conņåpts of Favorablå Invåstmånt Ņlimatå (the end)
No 11, 2000
Yunusov A.
The Baku Socium on the Eve of the XXIst Century
No 2, 2000
Yurkov Sergey
Japanese Economy of the 90s: Lessons of the Anti-Crisis Measures
No 4, 2000
Yusim V.
On Corråņtnåss of Conņåpt of Multipliņator and Aņņålårator of Invåstmånts at Maņro-Låvål
No 11, 2000
Zagashvili Vladislav, Shishkov Yu.
World Trade and Investment
No 8, 2000
Zagladin N.
The New Global Disorder and Russian Foreign Policy
No 1, 2000
Zagladin N.
The Democratic Party: from Liberalism to ā Third Way Ideology
No 7, 2000
Zagladin N.
Democracy as ā System: Logic, Structure, History
No 10, 2000
Zhukov Stanislav , Reznikova Oksana
Developing Countries and Russia: Interaction in the Global Economy
No 12, 2000
Zinn Hans-Werner
Germany Requires Reforms
No 1, 2000
Zudin A.
Soņial Lågitimation of thå Privatå Åntårpriså in Russia
No 10, 2000
Zudin A.
Publiņ Lågitimization of Privatå Businåss in Russia (the end)
No 11, 2000
Thå Stoņkholm Agånda for Arms Control
No 5, 2000
Daniil Proektor (1917-1999)
No 2, 2000
ĀÂĖ Treaty and Russian Position
No 4, 2000
Privatization in the Former GDR
No 4, 2000
Ā Letter to the Redaction
No 4, 2000
Viktor Rymalov
No 6, 2000
No comments