Abazov R.
Russia's Policy in the Asia-Pacific Region: Changing Paradigms
No 2, 1997
Adno Yuri
Russia on the World Market of Ferrous Metals
No 8, 1997
Amirov Vyacheslav
The Australian economy in the mid-1990s
No 4, 1997
Amirov Vyacheslav
ASEAN countries - a Pause Before the Next Breakthrough
No 7, 1997
Anikin Andrey
Financial Business and the Stability of Society
No 8, 1997
Antonenko L.
The “Soft Component” in the Global Economy
No 1, 1997
Arbatov Alexey
Military Reform: Doctrine, Troops, and Finance
No 4, 1997
Aukutsionek Sergey
Bank Credit in Russian Industry
No 5, 1997
Avilova Agnessa
Credit guarantees for small businesses
No 4, 1997
Avtonomov Vladimir , Gutnick V.
German Economic Thought and the Phenomenon of Eucken
No 8, 1997
Avtonomov Vladimir
“Market Behavior”: Rational and Ethical Aspects
No 12, 1997
Baikov N., Bezmelnitsyna Galina
Trends in the development of foreign energy
No 4, 1997
Balatsky E.
Principles of Public debt Management
No 5, 1997
Balatsky E.
Fiscal Regulation in an Inflationary Environment
No 1, 1997
Balatsky E.
Inflationary Equilibrium and Budgetary Balance
No 3, 1997
Balatsky E.
Laffer Effects and Financial Criteria Economic Activity
No 11, 1997
Balatsky E.
Macroregulation of Conjunctural Fluctuations
No 9, 1997
Balatsky E.
Laffer Points and Their Quantification
No 12, 1997
Bedrintsev A., Mirzadzhanov Sh.
Central Asia: the Main Directions of Srengthening Integration Processes
No 12, 1997
Belokon Yu.
Economic cooperation between Russia and the EU
No 4, 1997
Belokon Yu.
Openness of Economy and Economic Progress: Experience of Japan and Asian NIÑ
No 1, 1997
Belsky A., Rashkovsky Evgeniy
India and Russia: The Fundamentalist Challenge
No 4, 1997
Biryulev V.
France: a Sluggish Revival
No 6, 1997
Bogacheva Olga
Problems of Imbalance in the Budget System of Russia
No 6, 1997
Bogacheva Olga
The U.S. Economic Recovery Second Breath
No 3, 1997
Bolotin Boris
About Time and Myself
No 5, 1997
Bondarenko I.
Bank as an element of the economic system
No 4, 1997
Boyko V.
Afghan Diplomacy in the Years of Peace and War: the Personal Dimension
No 1, 1997
Bragina Elena
Competition is a Favorite Child of The Market
No 4, 1997
Bragina Elena
Transition with Many Unknowns
No 7, 1997
Bragina Elena
The informal Sector in the Economy: a Relic or a Prospect?
No 8, 1997
Bragina Elena
Tomorrow is the Third Millennium
No 2, 1997
Bredova V.
The Economies of Eastern Europe in 1996
No 11, 1997
Busygina I.
Keys to Solving the “Post-Soviet Puzzles”
No 2, 1997
Chebanov Sergey
Foreign Investments: Trends in the 1990s
No 3, 1997
Cherkasova Ekaterina
Russia and Spain: Transition to Democracy and National Interests
No 11, 1997
Chernovskaya V.
Business Organizations and Civil Society in India and Russia
No 2, 1997
Cheshkov Marat
The Army in Russia and the South: Analogy or Homology?
No 3, 1997
Chetyrkin Evgeniy
Principles of Financing Pension Systems
No 6, 1997
Choi Moon Seok
Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) and Russian National Security
No 3, 1997
Cristensen G., Handler J.
520 “Forgotten” Nuclear Bombs
No 6, 1997
Cristensen G., Handler J.
520 “Forgotten” Nuclear Bombs (the end)
No 7, 1997
Diligensky G.
Political Institutionalization in Russia: Socio-Cultural and Psychological Aspects
No 7, 1997
Diligensky G.
Political Institutionalization in Russia: Socio-Cultural and Psychological Aspects
No 8, 1997
Dimanis M.
The Political Parties of the Federal Republic of Germany and the State
No 12, 1997
Dudnik V.
The Army in Russian Politics
No 5, 1997
Dudnik V.
Theory of Violence for the 21st Century
No 12, 1997
Dzhibrayev A.
Russia and Qatar: Components of Cooperation
No 3, 1997
Egorov I.
Do We Need Technopolises?
No 3, 1997
Entov Revold, Avtonomov Vladimir
Stiglitz Macroeconomics
No 5, 1997
Factor G.
Albania: Another Niche for Russian Capital?
No 2, 1997
Faramazyan Rachik
Conversion of the Russian Military-Industrial Complex: the Global Economic Dimension
No 10, 1997
Fedorchenko A.
Israel: Searching for a Place in International Economic Relations
No 2, 1997
Fedorovsky Aleksander
The South Korean Economy: A Difficult Time of Reform
No 6, 1997
Gelman V.
Dilemmas of Democratic Opposition: G. Yavlinsky, “Yabloko” and Presidential Elections
No 9, 1997
Gelman V.
Dilemmas of Democratic Opposition: G. Yavlinsky, “Yabloko” and Presidential Elections
No 10, 1997
Gimpelson V.
The Private Sector in Russia: Employment and Wages
No 2, 1997
Gintsberg L.
The occupation of East Germany - without retouching
No 4, 1997
Gorodetskaya I.
The Revival of Charity in Russia (The End)
No 2, 1997
Gurevichev M.
State Regulation of the Transitional Economy: the Experience of Ukraine
No 7, 1997
Ha Young Chul
Stability and Legitimacy under Brezhnev: A Model of a Drifting Regime
No 2, 1997
Huntington Samuel P.
The West is Unique but not Universal
No 8, 1997
Inozemtsev V.
Creative Beginnings of the Modern corporation
No 11, 1997
Inozemtsev V.
The Asian Factor in the World Economy
No 10, 1997
Ivanov I.
A single currency for an integrating Europe
No 4, 1997
Ivanov Igor
Europe of the Regions
No 9, 1997
Ivanov Nikolai
Where is the Way out of the Impasse?
No 3, 1997
Ivanov Pavel, Halosha B.
NATO and Russia's National Security Interests
No 8, 1997
Ivanov Pavel, Halosha B.
NATO and Russia's National Security Interests (The End)
No 9, 1997
Jordan G.
Pressure Groups, Parties, and Social Movements: Is There a Need for New Distinctions?
No 1, 1997
Jung Mi Ken
Investments of South Korean Conglomerates in Russia
No 1, 1997
Kachalin V.
Regulation and Deregulation - Two Directions of Antitrust Strategy in the United States
No 6, 1997
Kahn À.
The Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Defeat of Socialism in Europe
No 10, 1997
Karatulev A.
Bureaucracy and Overcoming Economic Autarky
No 12, 1997
Khesin Efim
Russia in the global trading system
No 6, 1997
Khmelnitskaya V.
Cooperation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Italy
No 2, 1997
Kholodkovskii Kirill
Russia's Political Parties and Elections 1995-1996
No 2, 1997
Kholopov A.
Theme 3: Foreign Trade policy: Tariff Methods of Regulating International Trade
No 11, 1997
Kholopov A.
Theme 1. Theory of International Trade
No 9, 1997
Kholopov A.
Theme 2: Gains From Foreign Trade and Income Distribution
No 10, 1997
Kholopov A.
Theme 4: Foreign Trade Policy: Non-Tariff Methods of Regulating International Trade
No 12, 1997
Khoros Vladimir
Civil Society: How Does It Form (and Will It Form) in Post-Soviet Russia?
No 5, 1997
Kirichenko Elina
How to attract “imported capital”
No 3, 1997
Kisovskaya Natalya
Entrepreneurs and the Main Political Parties of Russia (1991-1995)
No 3, 1997
Kobzar V.
First Steps of Russian Banks in Ukraine
No 4, 1997
Kochetov E.
Neoeconomics - a New Civilization Model of Economic Development and Russia
No 3, 1997
Kochetov E.
Ethno-economic Systems - Hotbeds of Global Sustainability?
No 9, 1997
Kolomiytsev V.
The Prospects of Mankind: Brzezinski's Alarming Forecast
No 5, 1997
Komarova N., Kholopova T.
Business Etiquette
No 6, 1997
Komarovskiy Victor, Sadovaya Elena
Employer Associations in the System of Social Partnership: Experience of Developed Countries and Russia
No 5, 1997
Komlev S.
Canada: Behind the Financial Recovery - the Rise
No 4, 1997
Kosolapov Nikolay
The Idea of Europe in Russian Self-Consciousness: A Look at the Problem
No 11, 1997
Kovalev Evgeniy
Formation of the Agricultural Market in Russia
No 7, 1997
Kudrov Valentin
On the first Comparisons of Macroeconomic Indicators of the USSR and the United States (The End)
No 3, 1997
Kudrov Valentin
The Great Contest of Worlds
No 8, 1997
Kudrov Valentin
The New Coming of Radical Reforms?
No 10, 1997
Kudrov Valentin
On the First Comparisons of Macroeconomic Indicators of the USSR and the United States
No 2, 1997
Kuklina Ida
The State and The Army: Who Owes What to Whom
No 6, 1997
Kuznetsov V.
An untimely topic?
No 11, 1997
Lee In Song
Russia and the East Asian Development Model
No 8, 1997
Levin I.
“Lessons in Italian” for Russia
No 9, 1997
Listopadov N.
Myanmar: a Ñhallenging Åime of Ñhange
No 11, 1997
Lopatov V.
Africa in the Grip of “Structural Adjustment” of the Economy
No 7, 1997
Lukashin Yu., Pashvykin S.
Financial settlements at bond market
No 4, 1997
Lyamenkov A.
Post-Socialist Transformation: A View From the Perspective of the Ordoliberal School
No 1, 1997
Makarychev A.
Think tanks and U.S. foreign policy
No 6, 1997
Makeev B.
Some Problems of Russia's Peacetime Naval Policy
No 3, 1997
Mamedova Nina
Islamic Foundations and the Entrepreneurial Activity of the Iranian Clergy
No 7, 1997
Matsonashvili Ò.
“Spirit and Action” (Basic Values of Social Democracy in the Works of Willy Eichler)
No 2, 1997
Mazin A.
What Russia's Military-industrial Complex can Offer to Southeast Asia and Oceania
No 6, 1997
Mazin A.
You can see better from afar?
No 10, 1997
Mikhailenko A.
Russia and the CIS: How to Live on?
No 10, 1997
Mikhailov D.
Financial-Industrial Groups: Specifics of Russia
No 4, 1997
Miroshnichenko N.
Economic and Social Cohesion Policy in the EU After Maastricht
No 1, 1997
Mirskii Georgy
The Army in Russian Politics
No 3, 1997
Mirskii Georgy
Once Again on the Collapse of the USSR and Ethnic Conflicts
No 2, 1997
Mocherny S.
Metrological Analysis of Economic Systems
No 10, 1997
Mogilevkin Ilya
Economic science in persons
No 1, 1997
Mogilevkin Ilya
The Factor of Time in the Politics of Russia and Other Powers
No 11, 1997
Morozov Grigory
World Community and Suprastatehood
No 5, 1997
Nikitin S., Glazova Elena , Stepanova Mariya
World Prices: Peculiarities of Formation
No 3, 1997
Nikolaeva O.
The Socialist Party of Japan: From Leftist Orthodoxy to Center-Rightism
No 1, 1997
Nizhegorodtsev R.
Technological Security of the State
No 10, 1997
Nuoffer G., Usharova L.
Environmental Audit at the Enterprise
No 1, 1997
Oleinik A.
The Costs and Prospects of Reforms in Russia: An Institutional Approach
No 12, 1997
Oleshchuk Yu.
Who Will use the Lever?
No 10, 1997
Onischenko Irina
“The Internet” in the Modern Economy
No 9, 1997
Ostrovskaya Helena
The Netherlands: Economic Growth amidst Structural Problems
No 4, 1997
Pakhomov A.
World Trade Organization
No 7, 1997
Parfyonova L.
Poland and the Eastern Market
No 7, 1997
Parkhalina T.
On the New Security Architecture in Europe
No 12, 1997
Peregudov Sergey
Russian Interest Groups a Special Case or Confirmation of the Rule?
No 1, 1997
Peschansky V.
Industrial Relations in Russia: Towards Democratization or Authoritarianism?
No 3, 1997
Petro N.
The Legacy of the Policy of Containment
No 11, 1997
Pevzner Yakov
World Revolution: the Great Adventure and its Collapse (Article Two)
No 11, 1997
Pevzner Yakov
The World Revolution: the Great Adventure and its Collapse (Article One)
No 10, 1997
Pichugin B.
Import of Capital: World Experience and Russian Practice (Article Two)
No 1, 1997
Proektor D.
Making Sense of a Bygone Era
No 2, 1997
Ramzes V.
Strategists, Regulators, and Innovators
No 6, 1997
Reznikova Oksana
Russia, Turkey and Iran in Central Asia
No 1, 1997
Rogozhina Natalia
Once Again on the Benefits of Reflection
No 8, 1997
Romanova Z.
Chile in Search of Optimal Solutions
No 6, 1997
Rybakov V.
Back Along Uncharted Paths
No 12, 1997
Ryvkina R.
What Kind of Capitalism is Emerging in Russia?
No 5, 1997
Sazhin D.
The Shaping of the U.S. Foreign Economic Policy
No 4, 1997
Schetinin V.
Peculiarity of the Russian Market of Educational Services
No 11, 1997
Schweitzer V.
Socialist International in the Modern World
No 6, 1997
Semenenko Irina
EU: an Era of Informal Political Actors?
No 10, 1997
Sergeev Pavel
Gas Supply in the European Union
No 10, 1997
Sevortyan R.
The Potential of Military Participation in Contemporary Russian Politics
No 4, 1997
Sevortyan R.
Fragmentation of Power - a Threat to the State
No 12, 1997
Shestakova Å.
Reforming the Social Security System in Eastern Europe
No 1, 1997
Shishkov Yu.
Russia and the World Market: Structural Aspect
No 1, 1997
Shishkov Yu.
Russia and the World Market: Structural Aspect (The End)
No 2, 1997
Shishkov Yu.
Rethinking Dogma
No 12, 1997
Shpanger H.-J.
NATO on the Road to a Pluralistic Security Community?
No 10, 1997
Sidelnikov Yu.
Expertise: Status and Trends of Development
No 2, 1997
Smyslov Dmitry
Where is the World Monetary System Going?
No 7, 1997
Smyslov Dmitry
Where is the World Monetary System Going? (The End)
No 8, 1997
Sokolov A.
The New Realities of Post-Soviet Conflictology: Problems of Interpretation
No 9, 1997
Sokolov V.
The Modern World and National Economic Policy
No 10, 1997
Sotnikov A.
Five Years of Trade Between CIS Countries: Results and Problems
No 5, 1997
Starikovich G.
Starikovich G. Refusal to Join the EU a Peculiarity or a Regularity?
No 6, 1997
Stiglitz Joseph
Alternative Approaches to Macroeconomics: Methodological Problems and Neo-Keynesianism
No 5, 1997
Stiglitz Joseph
Alternative Approaches to Macroeconomics: Methodological Problems and Neo-Keynesianism (continued)
No 6, 1997
Stiglitz Joseph
Alternative Approaches to Macroeconomics: Methodological Problems and Neo-Keynesianism (the end)
No 7, 1997
Strezhneva Marina
Survival or Development?
No 7, 1997
Sumsky Victor
Long Goodbye to an Old Partner
No 5, 1997
Sumsky Victor
Long Goodbye to an Old Partner (the end)
No 6, 1997
Sumsky Victor
Long Goodbye to an Old Partner
No 11, 1997
Sumsky Victor
The Army and the Problematics of Civil Society
No 2, 1997
Tikhonova M.
Transformation of Academic Science in the Former GDR
No 9, 1997
Timmermann H.
Toward Authoritarianism?
No 7, 1997
Togo T.
Japan and Russia in the 21st Century
No 5, 1997
Tolkachev C., Lazintsev Yu.
International Integration of the Russian Military-Industrial Complex
No 3, 1997
Topilin A.
Common Labor Market in the CIS
No 12, 1997
Tsapenko Irina
What to do With Refugees?
No 12, 1997
Tsyganov Yu.
China's Economy: Successes and Problems of Development
No 5, 1997
Umnov Alexander
Central Asian “Socialism”: the Fruits of Monoculturalism
No 11, 1997
Urmanov I.
Alliance Strategy in the Global Automotive Industry
No 1, 1997
Vainshtein Gregory
Post-Communist Development Through the Eyes of Western Political Science
No 8, 1997
Vainshtein Gregory
Post-Communist Development Through the Eyes of Western Political Science (The End)
No 9, 1997
Vasilchuk Yuri
Postindustrial Economy and Human Development (Article One)
No 9, 1997
Vasilchuk Yuri
Postindustrial Economy and Human Development (Article Two)
No 10, 1997
Vilhovchenko E.
Socio-Professional Development of Man in the Production of Advanced Countries
No 8, 1997
Vilhovchenko E.
Socio-professional Development of man in the Production of Advanced Countries (The End)
No 9, 1997
Vishnevskaya N.
The State in the Labor Market - Change of Strategy
No 7, 1997
Volkov Aleksei
Sweden on the Way to Recovery
No 5, 1997
Volobuyev V.
The Budget and Macroeconomic Policy of the B. Clinton Government
No 5, 1997
Vorobyev K.
How to Take the Army Out of Political Struggle
No 4, 1997
Voronov Konstantin
Russia in the North Atlantic Region: the Price of Rapprochement
No 7, 1997
Vorozheykina T., Rashkovsky Evgeniy, Umnov Alexander
Civil Society and Religion
No 7, 1997
Vorozheykina T., Rashkovsky Evgeniy, Umnov Alexander
Civil Society and Religion
No 8, 1997
Yarynich V.
Russia's Strategic Shield: To Be and What is it Like in the XXI Century?
No 12, 1997
Yudanov A.
Competition Theory: Applied Aspects
No 6, 1997
Zagorskii Andrei
A New Look at a Known Topic
No 5, 1997
Zhukov Stanislav
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan in the Socio-Economic Structures of the Modern World
No 3, 1997
Zueva Kira
Problems of the Western European Union and Russia
No 4, 1997
Zvyagelskaya Irina
Jewish Clericalism and Politics
No 7, 1997
Zyukov V.
Is it Possible to See a Way Out of the Impasse by Following the Old Paradigm
No 9, 1997
To the methodology of cross-country comparisons
No 7, 1997
West-Non-West and Russia in the World Context (Round Table)
No 1, 1997
ZM Company: From a Seminar at IMEMO to Ñonquering the Russian Ìarket
No 3, 1997
Concept of the Principles of the Military Reform of the Russian Federation (Report) (The End)
No 11, 1997
Peculiarities of Integration of Russia and East Asia into Modern World Economy (Round Table)
No 11, 1997
To the Methodology of Cross-Country Comparisons
No 8, 1997
Russian-American Relations in a Pluralistic World
No 9, 1997
Concept of the Principles of the Military Reform of the Russian Federation (Report)
No 10, 1997
Russia-Ukraine-Visegrad Group: Partnership or Rivalry? (Round Table)
No 10, 1997
Peculiarities of Integration of Russia and East Asia into Modern World Economy (Round Table)(The End)
No 12, 1997
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