Authors by year

2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1962 | 1961 | 1960 | 1959 | 1958 | 1957 |


Arko E.
Do no Harm
No 12, 1994

Barabanov M.
Industrial Policy of Russia
No 11, 1994

Belyakov A.
A new Strategy of Economic Reforms is Needed
No 12, 1994

Blinov A.
Chambers of Commerce and Support for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses: Western Experience
No 12, 1994

Bogacheva Olga
The Republican Budget of Russia: Comparability of Budgets for 1992-1994
No 11, 1994

Burnaeva E.
Northern Europe in the International Division of Labor
No 12, 1994

Busygina I.
Formation and Development of Federative Systems in the East And West
No 11, 1994

Busygina I.
The New Role of Regions in the European Union (Experience of North Rhine-Westphalia)
No 12, 1994

Demyanenko V.
Food Complex of Russia: Transition to The Market and World Experience
No 11, 1994

Efimov V.
First Successes of the Middle East Peace Process
No 12, 1994

Ehrhart H.-G.
Toward a New Face of Germany?
No 10, 1994

Gauzner N.
A New Concept of Capitalism Transformation
No 10, 1994

Gladky Yu.
Globalistics: the Difficult Path of Formation
No 10, 1994

Gojlo V.
Political Economy of Intellectual Labor
No 11, 1994

Gorodetskaya I.
Charities and Other Volunteer Organizations in the UK
No 11, 1994

Heinsoo E.
Tax-Exempt Firms - What is And What is Not Tax-Exempt
No 11, 1994

Istyagin Leonid
The Drama of Perestroika: a Look From Within
No 11, 1994

Ivanov Pavel
Study of Taiwan in Modern Russia
No 10, 1994

Kara-Murza E., Khonyakova N.
Banking advertising
No 10, 1994

Khramova I.
How the Marketing of Agricultural Inputs is Organized in Italy
No 12, 1994

Kikot V.
Serious Research and Training Manual
No 12, 1994

Kochetov E.
Geoeconomics and Foreign Economic Strategy of Russia
No 11, 1994

Kolomiytsev V.
The Phenomenon of Nationalism Through the Eyes of a French Sociologist
No 11, 1994

Kosolapov Nikolay
Russia: What is the Essence of the Historical Choice? (Article One)
No 10, 1994

Kosolapov Nikolay
Russia: What is the Essence of the Historical Choice? (Article Two)
No 11, 1994

Kosolapov Nikolay
Socium and Economy: Global Alternatives
No 12, 1994

Kozhanovskiy A.
Instructive Analogies
No 10, 1994

Kuznetsov Viktor
To The Theory of Transition Economy
No 12, 1994

Larrabee F.S.
Russia Back in The Balkans?
No 10, 1994

Lebedeva Eleonora
African Dilemma of the 90s Authoritarianism or Democracy?
No 12, 1994

Luchkina L.
Personal Income in Eastern Europe and Russia
No 11, 1994

Makarychev A.
The System of Foreign Policy Planning and Analysis: US Experience of the 70-90s
No 12, 1994

Mozias P.
China and Cooperation in ATR
No 11, 1994

Oleshchuk Yu.
Zhirinovsky - an Attempt to Understand
No 10, 1994

Pichugin B.
Foreign Private Investment in Russia (Article One)
No 11, 1994

Pichugin B.
Foreign Private Investment in Russia (The End)
No 12, 1994

Roper J., Van Ham P.
Western Policy of Russia
No 11, 1994

Shishkov Yu.
NAFTA: Origins, Hopes, Prospects
No 11, 1994

Skorokhodov V.
Regions and the Center in Reforming Russia
No 10, 1994

Sokolsky S.
Between Past and Future (Post-Communist Parties in Russia, Eastern Europe and the Baltic States)
No 10, 1994

Timashkova О.
The Northern European Region: A Modern Perspective
No 10, 1994

Titorenko V.
The Problem of Jerusalem
No 12, 1994

Tsyganov Yu., Ostrov P.
Foreign Capital in the Automotive Industry of the People's Republic of China
No 12, 1994

Valovaya Т.
Results of the First Stage of the EU Economic and Monetary Union
No 10, 1994

Vasilchuk Yuri
A Radically new Approach
No 11, 1994

Vilhovchenko E.
New in the Culture of Work, Production, Company
No 12, 1994

Vinogradova Е.
International Labor Migration
No 12, 1994

Volkov Aleksei
Scales and Limits of Nordic Social Policy
No 11, 1994

Volobuyev V.
The US Federal Budget: Structure and Priorities
No 10, 1994

Zhukov Stanislav , Reznikova Oksana
Central Asia in World Politics and Economy
No 12, 1994

Economic Openness, Export Quota and Population Size (Discussion)
No 10, 1994

Economic Reforms in Developing and Post-Socialist Countries (Discussion) (End of Discussion)
No 10, 1994

On the Civilization Factor in World Politics (Discussion)
No 11, 1994

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Current Issue
2025, vol. 69, No. 1
Topical Themes of the Issue:
  • Global Trends in Robotics
  • Legal Support of China’s Foreign Policy
  • Latin America in the Context of a Changing World Order
  • Is Legal Self-Restraint of Western Hegemony Possible?

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The Editorial Board invites authors to write analytical articles on the following topics:
  • changes in the processes of globalization in modern conditions
  • formation of the new world order
  • shifts in civilization at the stage of transition to a digital society

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