Authors by year

2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1962 | 1961 | 1960 | 1959 | 1958 | 1957 |


Altunyan À.
Law and Power: The Formation of Principles of Russian Foreign Policy
No 3, 1993

Amirov I., Bagirov T.
OPEC and Russia: the Formation of new Relations, in the Shadow of the American Presence
No 7, 1993

Amrekulov N.
View-from-Central Asia: Kazakhstan - Turkic Eurasian Bridge
No 11, 1993

Arbatova Nadezhda
Russia and Italy: Unused Potential
No 5, 1993

Astapovich A., Grigoriev Leonid
Foreign Investments in Russia: Problems and Solutions
No 5, 1993

Avilova Agnessa
New Money For a New World?
No 9, 1993

Baburov V., Ustinov A.
Social Dimension of Conversion
No 7, 1993

Belov V.
Deep Crisis of the FRG Economy
No 12, 1993

Biryulev V.
Continued Decline in France
No 11, 1993

Blinkov V., Dagaev A.
Privatization and the Sphere of R&D
No 3, 1993

Blinov A.
Russian Problems and Foreign Experience
No 9, 1993

Bogacheva Olga
The Beginning of Economic Recovery in the USA
No 11, 1993

Bolotin Boris
Soviet Union: Farewell Statistical Portrait of 15 Former Republics
No 1, 1993

Boutros-Ghali B.
On the World Summit for Social Development
No 11, 1993

Bragina Elena
The Persistence of Memory and the Game of the Mind
No 1, 1993

Bragina Elena
Maggie's Magic
No 12, 1993

Bubennikov A.
High Technology Industry in the Era of Global Competition
No 8, 1993

Busygina I.
Present and Future of the “Europe of Regions” (Problems of European Regionalism)
No 9, 1993

Chervyakov À.
Military Construction in France and Russia
No 7, 1993

Cheshkov Marat
Statehood as an Attribute of Civilization: Crisis, Extinction or Rebirth?
No 1, 1993

Cheshkov Marat
Totalitarianism in the Mirror of Orthodox Marxism
No 2, 1993

Cheshkov Marat
Will the Marxist Theory of Exploitation Survive?
No 3, 1993

Cheshkov Marat
What do Africa and Russia Have in Common?
No 11, 1993

Chibrikov G.
The new Image of the International Corporation
No 5, 1993

Chugrov Sergey
Ethnic Stereotypes and Their Influence on the Formation of Public Opinion
No 1, 1993

Chugrov Sergey
Ideologemes and Foreign Policy Consciousness
No 2, 1993

Chugrov Sergey
Transformation of Mass Consciousness: on the way to Global Thinking
No 7, 1993

Chugrov Sergey
Ideological Stereotypes: Legacy of the Soviet Era
No 5, 1993

Danilin G.
The World Market: Competition or Cooperation?
No 10, 1993

Davydov A., Popov V., Frenkel À.
Index of Economic Conjuncture in Russia: Construction and Results
No 12, 1993

Demyanenko V.
Our Food Problems and the U.S. Experience
No 1, 1993

Denisova Å.
Experience of Macroeconomic Stabilization in Latin American States
No 8, 1993

Derkovskaya Ì.
Concern Filipe: The Experience of Reform
No 1, 1993

Diligensky G.
Russian Alternatives
No 9, 1993

Dynkin Alexander
Scientific and Technological Progress in the Market Environment
No 10, 1993

El’yanov Anatoly
Russia - Central Asian Countries: Imperatives and Opportunities of Economic Interaction
No 11, 1993

Evstigneev V.
Settlement Relations in the Post-Soviet Economic Space (Article Two)
No 6, 1993

Evstigneev V.
Settlement Relations in the Post-Soviet Economic Space (Article One)
No 5, 1993

Faramazyan Rachik, Borisov V.
Two Approaches to Military Economics and Conversion
No 3, 1993

Fraser S.
Prospects for Investment in the Post-Soviet Economy
No 5, 1993

Gadzhiev Kamaludin
Geopolitical Prospects of the Caucasus in Russia's Strategy
No 2, 1993

Gadzhiev Kamaludin
From Bipolar to a new Configuration of Geopolitical Forces
No 7, 1993

Gadzhiev Kamaludin
Beware of Dilettantism!
No 11, 1993

Gimpelson V.
New Russian Entrepreneurship: Sources of Formation and Strategies of Social Action
No 6, 1993

Gimpelson V., Kosals L.
Anatomy of Stasis
No 12, 1993

Glinkina S., Kulikova N., Sinitsina I.
Labor Market Formation and Employment Policy in Eastern Europe
No 11, 1993

Gordon L., Klopov E.
The Labor Movement in Postsocialist Russia
No 5, 1993

Gorodetskaya I.
The Consumerist Movement in the West
No 5, 1993

Grachev M.
Changes in Management and Change Management
No 12, 1993

Grebenshchikov E.
Pacific Regional Integration
No 1, 1993

Grebenshchikov E.
Russia's Mission: Amendments to R. Kipling
No 3, 1993

Grebenshchikov E.
Russia's Pacific Pilotage: Military and Strategic Guidelines
No 8, 1993

Grebenshchikov E.
Russia's Pacific Pilotage: Military and Strategic Guidelines (The End)
No 10, 1993

Grebenshchikov E.
Russia on the Path of Reforms: a View From Seoul
No 11, 1993

Gromov L.
What Determines Social Self-Development?
No 10, 1993

Gudimenko Dmitry, Rodionov L.
Conflict and Consensus in the Political Culture of the FRG
No 7, 1993

Gurieva L.
From Crisis of Power to Crisis Management
No 7, 1993

Ignatenko À., Salmin A.
Confederation of Caucasian Peoples in the Political Context of the Caucasus Region
No 9, 1993

Ilyushenko V.
Nationalism and Intellectuals
No 6, 1993

Iordanskaya E.
Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Germany
No 9, 1993

Istyagin Leonid
Towards a New Europe Two Old Questions
No 7, 1993

Istyagin Leonid
It is Not Worth Rushing to Conclusions
No 10, 1993

Istyagin Leonid
From Roots to Fruits of the Nature Protection Movement
No 11, 1993

Jordanian V.
Two Facets of Public Consciousness: Ethnic and National
No 6, 1993

Jordanian V.
Global Ethnic Crisis, or the Twilight of Disunity
No 12, 1993

Kamensakya Galina, Rodionov Andrei
Russian Socio-Political Landscape
No 3, 1993

Karagodin N., Karagodina I.
Formation of the Corps of Civil Servants: Foreign Experience for Russia
No 2, 1993

Khlynov V.
Japan: the Eemergence of a new Model of Labor Management
No 2, 1993

Kistersky L.
Both Exploitation and Cooperation
No 5, 1993

Klinova Marina
“Small Business”: High Expectations
No 10, 1993

Kochevrin Yu.
Privatization in Russia
No 6, 1993

Kolchin S.
Eastern Europe: the Peak of The Crisis has Passed
No 12, 1993

Kolosov G.
Anglo-Russian Relations: Has Uncertainty Reduced?
No 3, 1993

Kolosov G.
The Thorns of “Recapitalization”
No 9, 1993

Kosolapov Nikolay
Russia's Foreign Policy: Problems of Formation and Politically Formative Factors
No 2, 1993

Kosolapov Nikolay
Reformism Plus Responsibility
No 9, 1993

Kosolapov Nikolay
Russia: Public Self-Consciousness and Foreign Policy
No 5, 1993

Kovalev V.
Foreign Investments in a Single Region
No 6, 1993

Krichigina N. Europe in the World of the 1990s: Time of Hopes and Worries
Europe in the World of the 1990s: Time of Hopes and Worries
No 1, 1993

Kulakov M.
Agrosphere: Experience of the “Third World” Countries
No 8, 1993

Kumahov R.
Tomorrow's Global Economy
No 1, 1993

Kuznetsov Viktor
Between Socialism and Capitalism
No 12, 1993

Lapina N.
Entrepreneurs in Political Space
No 6, 1993

Lubin V.
Lexicon of Renewing Humanity
No 8, 1993

Lucas Ì., Kreikemeyer A.
The new Role of the Council of Europe
No 6, 1993

Luchkina L.
On Poverty and the Definition of the Living Wage
No 2, 1993

Lyubimov L., Yarovaya Elena
The Mechanism of Social Self-Development: A Civilizational Approach
No 2, 1993

Lyubimova V.
Municipalities: Economic and Socio-Political Role
No 9, 1993

Makarychev A.
“Soft” Factors of Tough Competition
No 10, 1993

Makasheva N.
In Search of Objective Knowledge
No 2, 1993

Makeev B.
The Kuril Problem: The Military Aspect
No 1, 1993

Makeev B.
Problems of the Black Sea Fleet
No 8, 1993

Maslov N.
European Benchmarking Laboratory
No 8, 1993

Mayburd Å.
On Karl Marx's Concept of Exploitation (Roundtable “Exploitation: Marxist Theory and Reality”)
No 1, 1993

McLure Charles E. (Jr.)
Tax Policy for Russia
No 8, 1993

Medvedev Andrey
Features of Evaluation and Selection of Innovative Projects
No 7, 1993

Mikhailov V.
The Old World After the Schism
No 6, 1993

Morozov Grigory
The Concept of Sustainable Development
No 11, 1993

Nesterenko A.
State and Market u in Post-Communist Economy
No 10, 1993

Nguyen Su Anh Thang
Vietnam in the Asia-Pacific Region
No 2, 1993

Nikitin S., Mayburd Å.
Marx's Economic Theory: Science or Ideology?
No 3, 1993

Nikolaeva O.
The Problem of Political Reform in Japan
No 1, 1993

Oleshchuk Yu.
About one Invisible Force in Our Society
No 9, 1993

Onikienko À.
Modernization in Taiwan: From Economic Liberalization to Political Democratization
No 2, 1993

Osadchaya Irina
Modern Market: “Rules of the Game”
No 7, 1993

Oskolkova O.
The United States: Changes in Marriage and Family Relations
No 6, 1993

Oznobishchev S.
NATO Through the Prism of Change
No 7, 1993

Peregudov Sergey
Separation of Powers the British Way
No 6, 1993

Peregudov Sergey
Revolution, Terror, Perestroika. Reflections of a British Political Scientist
No 5, 1993

Pevzner Yakov
Is the Ice Breaking?
No 3, 1993

Pevzner Yakov
Karl Marx and the Modern Socialist Idea
No 8, 1993

Popov N., Volkova R., Sazonov V.
Economic Reforms in Russia Through the Eyes of Foreign Businessmen
No 6, 1993

Porshakov S.
Political Opposition in Western Countries
No 3, 1993

Potapov Maxim
China's Open Politics: Experience for Us
No 1, 1993

Preobrazhenskaya Arina
The Right Bloc on the Eve and After the Parliamentary Elections in France
No 12, 1993

Prikhodko O.
Washington at the Military-Strategic Crossroads
No 5, 1993

Rashkovsky Evgeniy
Third World - Israel – Russia
No 3, 1993

Rashkovsky Evgeniy
Experience of Totalitarian Modernization of Russia (1917–1991) in the Light of Sociology of Development
No 7, 1993

Rashkovsky Evgeniy
Paths of Democracy at the End of the Twentieth Century: The World Context
No 10, 1993

Rashkovsky Evgeniy
Sikhism: “Militant Church”
No 5, 1993

Ryzhenkova T.
Privatizing a Cat in a Bag (Replica)
No 6, 1993

Sachs I.
Toward Democratic Regulation of the “Mixed Economy”
No 10, 1993

Samarin L.
The Enigma of Liberal Totalitarianism
No 8, 1993

Samson I.
Three Stages of Transition of Post-Socialist Economy to the Market
No 9, 1993

Schneider Ì.
Chile: Democratic Transition And the Authoritarian Legacy
No 9, 1993

Schroder Õ.
Europe and the CIS countries: Prospects For Cooperation
No 12, 1993

Semenenko Irina
Nurturing the Entrepreneurial Spirit
No 2, 1993

Semenov Viktor
The Real Content of the Risky Concept
No 6, 1993

Sergeev Pavel
Russia's Fuel and Energy Complex: How to Get Out of the Crisis
No 8, 1993

Shenaev V.
Western Europe in the World Economy
No 2, 1993

Shishkov Yu.
Integration and Disintegration: Adjustment of the Concept
No 10, 1993

Shishkov Yu.
View From Russia: Will Tectonic Rift Occur?
No 11, 1993

Silin Å.
The Idea of Euro-Atlantic Cooperation in a Euro-Asian Country
No 10, 1993

Sizov À.
Economy of Russia and Other CIS Countries in the Early 1990s
No 7, 1993

Sobyanin À., Gelman V., Kayunov O.
Political Climate in Russia in 1991–1993
No 9, 1993

Sogrin V.
A New Ideology for Russia: Drama From Modern History
No 10, 1993

Sokolsky S.
The Perceptual Party System and Political Choice of the Voter
No 3, 1993

Solovieva L.
Social Security in Western Countries: Problems of the 90s
No 12, 1993

Sorokin Konstantin
Revival of the Russian Army: Immediate Prospects
No 1, 1993

Strezhneva Marina
Europe: Scenarios of “Ordered Consent”
No 6, 1993

Strogova À.
The Private Sector and Foreign Capital in Eastern Europe
No 3, 1993

Studentsov Victor
The World Economy in 1992-1993: Seven Lean Years Ahead?
No 11, 1993

Suetin A.
Invaluable Asset of the World Community
No 3, 1993

Sukhinenko D.
“It's Called Individualism”
No 8, 1993

Sumsky Victor
Indonesia: the Phenomenon of “Dynamic Stability”
No 5, 1993

Taylor L.
The Post-Socialist Transition From a Development Economics Perspective (Article Two)
No 1, 1993

Taylor L.
Is it Possible to Pull the Russian Economy out of the Bottom-Dump?
No 6, 1993

Totsky À.
Promoting Development Through Investment Cooperation
No 10, 1993

Turukis G.
Europe in Search of a New Order
No 5, 1993

Vainshtein Gregory
Public Sentiment in Today's Russia
No 8, 1993

Vasilchuk Yuri
Toward a New Paradigm of Economic Science
No 9, 1993

Vasiliev I.
Sharing by Right
No 9, 1993

Vetrov À.
How can Russia use Foreign Aid?
No 11, 1993

Vishnevskaya N.
The labor Market - Intertwining Cyclical and Structural Factors
No 12, 1993

Volkov Aleksei
Nordic Countries Under the Weight of Heavy Problems
No 11, 1993

Yashin V.
Institutional Investors in the United States
No 2, 1993

Zagladin N., Muntean M.
Some Aspects of the new Geostrategic Position of Russia
No 7, 1993

Zeveleva Galina
Italy: Difficulties on the Way to a United Europe
No 11, 1993

Zhelezov B.
The West and the CIS: Compliance with Military Agreements
No 3, 1993

Zhukov Stanislav
Monetary Aspects of the Russian Reform (Article One)
No 8, 1993

Zhukov Stanislav
Monetary Aspects of the Russian Reform (Article Two)
No 9, 1993

“UniRus” Enters the Russian Market
No 1, 1993

Yeremicheva G.
On the article by Schiller R., Boyko M., Korobov V. “The Market in the Perception of the Soviet and American Public”
No 1, 1993

From Gorbachev's Archive M. Gorbachev (Interview)
No 2, 1993

Housing Conditions in Eastern European Countries
No 3, 1993

Meeting in the Editorial Office With M. Lisnianski, President of Elegant Logic Corporation
No 6, 1993

United Germany in Crisis (Interview With G. Rormoser)
No 6, 1993

Demographic Changes in Eastern Europe and Russia
No 6, 1993

The Edge of Political Crisis in Russia (IMEMO Academic Council)
No 7, 1993

From the Gorbachev Archive (Conversations Between M.S. Gorbachev and R. Reagan in Reykjavik, October 11-12, 1986)
No 7, 1993

What Should be the Russian Electoral Law? (Answers of E.M. Kozhokin to the Questions of the MEMO Journal)
No 8, 1993

From the Gorbachev Archive (Conversations Between M.S. Gorbachev and R. Reagan in Reykjavik, October 11–12, 1986) (the End)
No 8, 1993

Russia and the Middle West (Letter to the Editor)
No 8, 1993

The Maastricht Process: Responding to New Challenges
No 9, 1993

From the Gorbachev Archives (Conversation Between M.S. Gorbachev and U.S. Secretary of State J. Shultz on October 23, 1987)
No 10, 1993

Social Development of the CIS Countries in the 1990s
No 10, 1993

Russia and the Central Asian Republics: Problems and Prospects
No 12, 1993

Science in a Market Environment
No 12, 1993

Russia and the Baltic States: Shaping New Relationships
No 12, 1993

From Gorbachev's Archive M. Gorbachev (Continued)
No 5, 1993

Food Production and Consumption in Developing Countries (The End)
No 5, 1993

From the Gorbachev Archives (Conversation Between Gorbachev M.S.and U.S. Secretary of State Shultz J. on October 23, 1987) (The End)
No 11, 1993

Social Development of the CIS Countries in The 1990s (The End)
No 11, 1993

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Current Issue
2025, vol. 69, No. 1
Topical Themes of the Issue:
  • Global Trends in Robotics
  • Legal Support of China’s Foreign Policy
  • Latin America in the Context of a Changing World Order
  • Is Legal Self-Restraint of Western Hegemony Possible?

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  • changes in the processes of globalization in modern conditions
  • formation of the new world order
  • shifts in civilization at the stage of transition to a digital society

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