
“World Eсonomy and International Relations” Journal is practicing the "double-blind" (anonymous) reviewingmethod, i.e. the reviewer and the author do not know each other.

The reviewing process takes between 2 to 8 weeks and consists of several stages. The newly received manuscript is firstly reviewed internally by the editorial experts, including Chief Editor. At this stage, the manuscript is tentatively evaluated and it may be rejected for the following reasons:

  • the manuscript does not fit the editorial policy and Journal’s topics (the editorial office has the priority in determining this);
  • the manuscript’s content does not correspond to its announced topic;
  • notoriously poor quality of the manuscript (ignorance of key sources and literature on the subject, poor empirical base, reproduction of findings and theses on the subject that are widely known and already available in the academic literature, journalistic nature of the text, etc.);
  • the submitted manuscript does not comply with the current formatting standards.

While the manuscript has passed the preliminary stage it is sent for an external peer-reviewing by an authoritative specialist in this subject area.

In their work, all reviewers rely on the principles formulated by the Committee on Publication Ethics and comply with the Code of Ethics of Scientific Publications of non-profit partnership “Committee on ethics of scientific publications”.

During the reviewing process the quality, originality and integrity of the proposed manuscript are assessed. The reviewer conducts a scientific expertise of the author’s manuscript. Respectively, his/her actions should be impartial. The responsibilities include:

  • to ensure the confidentiality (it is unacceptable to transfer the text of the review to any third parties without appropriate authorization of the editorial or to make them acquainted with it);
  • to detect the cases of plagiarism and other unethical practices;
  • to ensure efficiency and fairness of reviewing, argumentative assessment of the research outcomes; any personal criticism of the author is not acceptable;
  • to control the proper specification of the sources of information;
  • to unconditionally identify and exclude any conflicts of interest, thus ensuring the absence of official and other links between the reviewer and the author;
  • to help the publisher in making decisions.

The reviewer may not use the unpublished data from the reviewed manuscript for personal purposes.

The peer-review contains a set of formal evaluation criteria (academic novelty, relevance of research, extent of topics’ disclosure, etc.), as well (if appropriate) the recommendations to the author for finalization of the manuscript. If necessary, the reviewer may recommend to introduce major amendments into the manuscript and/or to re-submit it upon revising. Also, the reviewer may recommend to reject the manuscript for specified reasons.

While taking a decision to accept/reject the manuscript for publication the Editorial/Editorial Board takes into account the opinion of the reviewer. While finalizing the manuscript the author must implement the main recommendations of the peer-review.

The text of the review is stored with the editorial for not less than 5 years. If necessary, a copy of review or a reasoned refusal is sent to the author. Also, a copy of the review is sent to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon request.

Editorial office of “World Economy and International Relations” thanks its reviewers: Andreeva T.N., Arapova E.Ya., Varnavskii V.G., Gromoglavsova E.S., Gudev P.A., Zhuravleva V.Yu., Zagashvili V.S., Zagorskii A.V., Kanaev E.A., Kalyadin A.N., Kokeev A.M., Kondrat'ev V.B., Kosolapov N.A., Kuznetsov A.V., Lukonin S.A., Nozdrev S.V., Obolenskii V.P., Potemkina O.Yu., Semenenko I.S., Strezhneva M.V., Strel'tsova Ya.R., Khokhlov I.I., Khokhlova M.G., Khudyakova L.S., Shishelina L.N.

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Dear authors! Please note that in the VAK List of peer-reviewed scientific journals, in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of sciences should be published for the “MEMO Journal” the following specialties are recorded:
economic sciences:
5.2.5. World Economy.
5.2.1. Economic Theory
5.2.3. Regional and Branch Economics
political sciences:
5.5.4. International Relations
5.5.1. History and Theory of Politics
5.5.2. Political Institutions, Processes, Technologies


Current Issue
2024, vol. 68, No. 12
Topical Themes of the Issue:
  • Mechanisms of International Financial Relations in the Conditions of Globalization Crisis  
  • “New” Militarization of Europe?
  • Foreign Economic Policy of Germany: African Vector
  • Transformation of the Conflict Field in Abkhazia: Contemporary Politics and Historical Context

Dear authors of the journal!

Please note that the author's copies of the issues in which your texts are published are kept in the editorial office for no more than one year. After this period expires, the editorial office has the right to dispose of unclaimed copies at its own discretion.


Submit an Article
The Editorial Board invites authors to write analytical articles on the following topics:
  • changes in the processes of globalization in modern conditions
  • formation of the new world order
  • shifts in civilization at the stage of transition to a digital society

The editors are also interested in publishing synthesis articles / scientific reviews revealing the main trends in the development of certain regions of the world - Latin America, Africa, South Asia, etc.