Received 25.04.2024. Revised 06.05.2024. Accepted 03.06.2024.
Abstract. The article examines the stages of formation of foreign policy consensus in Spain in the post-Franco period. Over the course of almost half a century, this consensus was violated only twice: the first time, when the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE) government that came to power in 1982 held a referendum on Spain’s membership in NATO, and the second time, when in 2003, Aznar’s conservative government, contrary to public opinion, supported the intervention of American troops into Iraq. In Spain, a consensus exists on the main directions of foreign policy: European policy; security and defense policy, including NATO; the importance of the Mediterranean region, including the Maghreb; Latin America, and the fundamental role of the UN. Foreign policy as a government policy requires the highest degree of consensus because in this way it gains stability, predictability and authority. On July 23, 2023, parliamentary elections were held in Spain. According to their results, four national parties are represented in the Congress of Deputies: PSOE, the People’s Party (PP), the left-wing SUMAR, and the ultra-right Vox. The paper investigates the foreign policy attitudes of these parties, which will determine Spain’s foreign policy in the current legislature. Primary attention is paid to security issues. The author empathizes the proximity or coincidence of the foreign policy guidelines of the PSOE, PP and SUMAR regarding major issues. This imparts the foreign policy consensus a truly state character. Separately, the foreign policy attitudes of the ultra-right Vox are analyzed, these losing their original radicalism, although aggressive rhetoric remains. In general, it is difficult for the weak government of Sanchez to develop foreign policy for the medium and especially long term, therefore, short-term interests will continue to prevail, and the influence of domestic policy on foreign policy will remain decisive. At the same time, responsibility for building Spanish foreign policy lies with both the government and the main opposition party. Such a policy, based on international law and multilateralism, is for a medium-sized country like Spain the minimum guarantee of independence from major powers.
Keywords: Spain, foreign policy, NATO, EU, Latin America, Magreb, political parties, consensus, security, PSOE, PP, SUMAR, Vox, P. Sanchez
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