Separatism in Modern Europe: Spatial Effects of Political Changes

DOI: 10.20542/0131-2227-2024-68-3-59-68
Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, 51/21, Nakhimovskii Prosp., Moscow, 117418, Russian Federation.

Received 24.07.2023. Revised 22.11.2023. Accepted 07.12.2023.

Abstract. According to Ryan Griffiths, we’re in the “Age of Secession”. The characteristics of spatial effects typical of European separatism are consistently examined in this paper. The effects of diffusion, proximity, fragmentation, and scale are given special consideration. The space is not homogeneous; separatism erupts with the most vulnerable territories, takes different forms, and has different pace. Since the diffusion effect undoubtedly contributes to the fragmentation of the political space, it takes on distinct forms depending on the historical period. It would be incorrect to claim that separatist movements arise in response to geographic distance only. Social proximity determines spatial influence. Instead, the degree to which separatist actors interact with one another is determined by their territorial proximity. With scale of political activity changing, the correspondent extent, to which political actors influence them, varies as well. As a result, regionalist parties that are not well-known at the federal level play a significant role in local politics. Due to the fragmentation effect, the number of these parties is increasing at the regional level, yet not nationwide. Given the scale effect, regional actors in the EU can interact with supranational structures themselves and gain more power without having to go through national ones. There are more parties with a territorial profile as a result of spatial effects in politics. Political leaders and parties at the national level are compelled to consider their stances, incorporate the regional agenda into their plans, and frequently pursue partnerships with them.

Keywords: spatial effects, diffusion of innovations, separatism, regional parties, regionalism, Europe


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For citation:
Turov N. Separatism in Modern Europe: Spatial Effects of Political Changes. World Eñonomy and International Relations, 2024, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 59-68. EDN: WKZMWC

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