Received 01.07.2024. Revised 08.09.2024. Accepted 25.09.2024.
Acknowledgements. The article was prepared within grant program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation on the Human Potential Inter-Disciplinary Studies, Agreement of the MGIMO University no. 075-15-2022-327 dated 22.04.2022.
Abstract. From the first steps of implementing the policy of NATO expansion to the East – since the first half of the 1990s, official representatives of the alliance have constantly emphasized that these actions would not pose a threat to Russia. Moscow held the exact opposite opinion, but its concerns and objections were not taken into consideration. As military and political relations worsened and disagreements between Russia and the West/NATO grew, the military potential of the alliance was increasingly strengthened, coming close to the Russian borders. Traditionally neutral states – Finland and Sweden – also joined NATO. The beginning of the Special Military Operation (SMO) was used by Brussels as a long-term pretext for the beginning of the active militarization of Europe, the implementation of plans for even a larger-scale strengthening of the military and political structure of the Alliance. The leadership of the USA and NATO, having taken a course for escalation, however, show a certain “restraint”, trying to avoid a direct conflict with Russia. Brussels has repeatedly argued that NATO is not a party to the conflict in Ukraine and has set itself the task of preventing a direct clash Moscow has also repeatedly stated that it is not going to attack NATO countries. The United States and other Western states all the while do not allow Kyiv to use their weapons for strikes deep into Russian territory. Russia, on the other hand, is not completely destroying relations with the Alliance, as evidenced by the fact that Moscow is not going to withdraw from the 1997 Russia–NATO Founding Act. The article examines the current stage of relations between Russia and NATO, revealing its main features. The authors also provide a comprehensive examination of the content and nature of the new wave of militarization in Europe, using key European countries as examples.
Keywords: Russia–NATO relations, militarization of Europe, arms limitation and reduction, military confrontation, European security, Cold War, Special Military Operation (SMO) of Russia
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