Received 08.07.2024. Revised 31.07.2024. Accepted 02.10.2024.
Abstract. The paper is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of international competitiveness of the national economy of Poland in the 21st century. The study provides an assessment of Poland’s production potential as the most important benchmark in measuring competitiveness, as well as key macroeconomic indicators and the indicators of the economy’s inclusion in international production systems. It also aims at identifying the factors that determine Poland’s competitiveness in modern conditions and its place in global competitiveness rankings. The impact of demographic changes, including migration flows, on the country’s economy is analyzed. The methodology is based on a systematic analysis of statistical data, including demographic indicators, GDP, FDI, export and import dynamics, indicators of economic openness, international indices, and ratings, etc. The authors pay special attention to the economic changes in Poland after joining the European Union and the impact of global economic crises. Particular attention is paid to the growth of high-tech exports and the increase in domestic R&D spendings, emphasizing Poland’s aspiration for innovative development. The research results demonstrate Poland’s stable economic growth in the 21st century, its strengthening position in the world economy and successful adaptation to global challenges. In terms of global competitiveness and doing business in the period under study, Poland achieved significant progress due to the development of its production base, infrastructure, digital technologies, an effective labor market, and structural changes. Untapped potential and further socio-economic improvements in Poland are associated with the reduction of regulatory barriers, inflation, development of innovation and natural capital. The study concludes that Poland is successfully coping with the global challenges and international competition, strengthening its position as a result of sustainable economic growth, export diversification and effective integration into European and international economic processes.
Keywords: Poland, international competitiveness, economic growth, foreign trade, globalization
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