Received 24.06.2024. Revised 19.08.2024. Accepted 02.10.2024.
Acknowledgements. Issued on thematics NIR FMZS‑2024-0010 “Mechanisms for the movement of strategic interests of key European actors in Africa and the Middle East: institutes, principles of functionality, procedures”, Institute of Europe RAS.
Abstract. German industry often views African continent as the last, and largely untapped, potential market for economic growth. The country has an extensive system of measures to support foreign economic contacts with Africa, but the share of German exports to the continent is only 2%. This article examines Germany’s practical steps to “dynamically expand” its economic presence in Africa. To realize this goal, Germany, as one of the world leaders in industrial development and renewable energy sources, can make one of its actions efforts to advocate and support African governments in the transition to climate-friendly green industrialization. This requires a change in the entire paradigm of relations with the continent and an analysis of planned investment projects. The author’s approach to studying the main economic goals of Germany in Africa is based on zonal analysis (North and South of the continent), a comparison of positive and negative factors of investment attractiveness of the African economic and political space. It is noted that higher political instability, inconvertibility of currencies and a general lack of financial guarantees for German investors continue to be the main obstacles to growth in Africa. The article reveals the content of the system of instruments for supporting foreign economic activity, including both standard instruments (subsidies, export guarantees) and new ones (consulting vouchers). Increased attention to Africa not only contributes to economic development, but serves as a counterbalance to China’s foreign economic actions and creates the conditions for European companies to have a stronger position on the African continent. The author concludes that current economic ties between African and German entrepreneurs could catalyze their transformation into a broader innovation ecosystem, as Germany emphasizes cooperation with African countries to achieve greater diversification and reduce current dependencies.
Keywords: Germany, Africa, European Union, foreign direct investment, energy transition, foreign economic policy, support measures, economic security, resource sovereignty, hydrogen projects
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