N. Romashkina, romachkinan@yandex.ru
Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO), 23, Profsoyuznaya Str., Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation.
Received 23.06.2024. Revised 10.07.2024. Accepted 22.08.2024.
Acknowledgments. This article was prepared with the support of a grant from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation for major scientific projects in priority areas of scientific and technological development no. 075-15-2024-551 “Global and Regional Centers of Power in the Emerging World Order”.
Abstract. The article examines the issue of applying space technologies for both military and peaceful purposes. The subject of the study includes specialized technical means designed for the exploration and utilization of the universe: spacecraft, satellites, orbital stations, launch vehicles, deep space communication, space engines, extraterrestrial and terrestrial auxiliary infrastructure objects, as well as procedures and special events. It has been proven that space technologies, including the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of satellite constellations, are currently crucial indicators of a nation’s capabilities, status, and global influence. The study analyzes the conceptual framework, the process of spreading space technologies, and the current trends in their development at the present stage. Drawing on data from Russian and foreign scientists and specialists, the author conducted a systematic analysis of modern types of space weapons – those located in space or deployed into Earth orbit and designed for combat in or from space – as well as an analysis of weapons designed to destroy or damage infrastructure in space. The author demonstrates that the increasing threats associated with the development and deployment of new military space technologies pose risks to global peace. In the context of a crisis in the relations between nuclear powers, the likelihood of a rapid escalation of a nuclear conflict increases due to the disruption of the Early Warning System satellites, which consequently raises the risk of accidental ballistic missile launches. Following this logic, it can be argued that the level of strategic stability is already declining today, with extremely negative consequences for all countries worldwide. This underscores the relevance of the research. Proposals have been formulated to prevent an arms race in space by discussing and adopting special binding norms of international law, which Russia has been advocating for many years in cooperation with other interested countries.
Keywords: space, outer space, space industry, space environment, spacecraft, artificial Earth satellite, space weapons, anti-satellite weapons, strategic stability, international security
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