Social Well-Being as a Criterion for Development of Nations (On the Issue of Assessment Methodology)

DOI: 10.20542/0131-2227-2024-68-10-125-136
Independent Researcher.
O. Afanasyeva,
HSE University, 20, Myasnitskaya Str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation.
V. Krasnoslobodtsev,
Independent Researcher.

Received 06.03.2024. Revised 26.07.2024. Accepted 01.08.2024.

Abstract. Human well-being as a criterion of progress is usually measured by indices of standard of living, quality of life, and human development. These indices are based on methodological individualism and consider human development as an increase in individuals’ prosperity, comfort, freedom, and self-realization. While comparing countries or regions, the object of consideration are aggregated individuals, rather than nations, peoples and territorial communities within which the species Homo sapiens exists. Due to their conceptual scope, the accepted indices do not see an obvious paradox: the maximization of what is considered well-being – standard of living and personal selfexpression – exacerbates the anthropological crisis, namely the destruction of sociality in all historically established forms, the rapid destruction of a family institution and refusal of human individuals to continue the human race. The authors of the article propose a new index to measure human well-being, which is a social production of life and a social order that reduces human suffering. The viability of human community requires population reproduction which is the first condition for social development. But society is not identical to the population, and social well-being presupposes the reproduction of an institutional balance between communal and personal principles. The key to social and population reproduction is the preservation of family as the basic structure of society. Reducing human suffering means minimizing threats to human life and eliminating extreme forms of social oppression. The minimization of threats to human life and safety of social environment are verified by reduction in mortality from external causes and an increase in average life expectancy. To avoid the extremes of social oppression, it is necessary to eliminate poverty and ensure universal education for children. Thus, social well-being, which is being understood and achieved, is a necessary basis for the sustainable development of nations.

Keywords: human development, social well-being, population reproduction, social reproduction, family, society, methodological individualism


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For citation:
Afanas'ev M., Afanas’eva O., Krasnoslobodtsev V. Social Well-Being as a Criterion for Development of Nations (On the Issue of Assessment Methodology). World Eñonomy and International Relations, 2024, vol. 68, no. 10, pp. 125-136. EDN: VGKWWY

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