Russia in German Strategic Documents: “Zeitenwende” Era

DOI: 10.20542/0131-2227-2024-68-10-70-79
MGIMO University, 76, Vernadskogo Prosp., Moscow, 119454, Russian Federation.

Received 18.03.2024. Revised 13.05.2024. Accepted 29.07.2024.

Acknowledgements. The article has been supported by a grant of the Russian Science Foundation. Project no. 23-28-01501 “Transformation of the Military and Political Strategy of Germany as a Threat to the Security of the Russian Federation” (

Abstract. The article explores Germany’s changing foreign policy orientations in the context of the Ukrainian crisis since February 2022. The Russian Special military operation in Ukraine served as a trigger for Olaf Scholz’s government to publish new strategic documents designed to consolidate the changes in the German approach to Russia. These mainly include: National Security Strategy, Guidelines for Feminist Foreign Policy, Strategy on China, and Defense Policy Guidelines. They see Russia as the biggest threat to German and European security. This thesis is meant to justify the abandonment of pacifist traditions. It is noted that the concept of the “Russian threat” is becoming universal and significantly complicates the prospects of future normalization of Russian-German relations. According to the federal government, the response to the “Russian threat”, in addition to supporting Ukraine, should be a set of non-military measures in the field of economy, technology, information space, and inter-societal relations. The complexity of practical implementation of the measures towards Russia stated in the documents is emphasized. It is noted that by now, there is a shift in Germany’s security priorities, with Russia moving to the seventh place in the list of threats. These changes are accompanied by growing dissatisfaction of the German population with Berlin’s domestic and foreign policy. Despite possible changes within Germany in reference to future elections, it is concluded that the probability of adjusting the confrontational approach remains low due to the need to revise the guiding documents. The study points to a major and long-term shift in Germany’s policy towards Russia, which affects security and stability in Europe.

Keywords: Germany, Zeitenwende, Russian-German relations, Ukrainian crisis, strategic documents, European security, Olaf Scholz


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For citation:
Sokolov A. Russia in German Strategic Documents: “Zeitenwende” Era. World Eñonomy and International Relations, 2024, vol. 68, no. 10, pp. 70-79. EDN: BFSQXR

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