Received 09.01.2023. Revised 06.03.2023. Accepted 24.04.2023.
Abstract. Geocultural features and transformations of states and large regions determine the specifics of their geopolitical trajectories. Any large geoculture can be conceived as a planetary one, with its own planetary cartographies and imaginative patterns. Northern Eurasia can be considered as a field of intersection and interaction of various planetary geocultures that shape the prospects for terrestrial development. The planetary influence of a large local civilization is associated with the presence of an original planetary geocultural cartography of the imagination, with the possibility of successfully translating these large-scale geocultural images outside, into the zones of influence of other large terrestrial civilizations. Co-spatiality in its civilizational and geocultural dimension means the presence of multiple purposeful planetary thinking that unfolds large-scale spatial communication patterns. Any co-spatial civilization or geoculture is totally borderline – its borderline is due to the constant process of geocultural selfadaptation in interaction with other geocultures and civilizations. Meta-geoculture explores the genesis, formation and various transformations of planetary imaginative cartographies focused on achieving their respective geocultural, geopolitical and geo-ideological goals. Meta-geocultural studies of Northern Eurasia should be aimed at identifying, first of all, the planetary geocultural cartographies of the imagination. Northern Eurasia can be considered as a space of interaction between the Western Euro-African cartography of the imagination, based on the Euro-Indian (or Indo-European) meta-geographic axis, and the East Asian cartography of the imagination, which is closely correlated with the Russian-Chinese meta-geographic axis.
Keywords: geoculture, meta-geoculture, Northern Eurasia, planetarity, cartographies of the imagination, borderline, co-spatiality
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