Received 07.10.2022. Revised 16.03.2023. Accepted 03.04.2023.
Abstract. The article is devoted to the problems of the national payment card system (NSPK) development in the conditions of sanctions pressure on Russia. The role of the NSPK in ensuring the national security of the country in the payment sphere is analyzed. The prerequisites for the creation of the NSPK, the history of the sanctions impact on the Russian banking and payment sector are investigated, the features of the implementation of the system are considered and the factors affecting its operation are evaluated. The current state of the system and its place in the Russian payment market are analyzed. Forecasts are made regarding the further development of the NSPK. Recommendations are given to improve the efficiency of the NSPK functioning. The creation of the national payment card system was dictated primarily by the need to ensure Russia’s national security in the settlement and payment sphere in the face of unprecedented economic and political pressure from Western countries. Unlike international card payment systems, NSPK was initially focused on working in the domestic market. With the departure of Visa and Mastercard from Russia, the domestic payment system received the status of a monopolist in the country. In addition, one of the priorities was to establish cooperation with foreign partners to increase the number of countries where the NSPK’s payment card Mir is accepted, in addition, special attention was paid to the development of co-baging projects. The key advantages of the NSPK: increasing the stability of the payment space functioning, reducing the current costs of making retail non-cash payments, independence from the governments of unfriendly countries and international organizations, ensuring reliable protection of payment information, reducing the turnover of cash and, accordingly, the costs of its provision.
Keywords: national payment card system, NSPK, payment system, sanctions, “Mir” card, Visa, MasterCard, Russia
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