Received 01.03.2023. Revised 22.03.2023. Accepted 03.04.2023.
Abstract. The article discusses the favorable prerequisites for the development of cross-border cooperation between Russia and China, the announced intentions of the parties and compares them with the concrete results of economic cooperation in the last decade. The analysis shows that in the second decade of the 21st century, trade and economic ties between the territories of the Far Eastern Federal District and China developed unevenly and by the end of the decade stagnated at the level of 2011–2013, and the share of this district in Russian-Chinese trade decreased from 14 to 9.5%. The Far Eastern Federal District has rich natural resources, intellectual, scientific, technical, and recreational potential, which, as the study of documents of the border territories of the PRC shows, is in a big demand in this country. However, favorable conditions for the development of cross-border relations and high expectations of both sides are not realized either on the Russian or Chinese parts of the borderland. Comprehension of these conditions and the past experience of Russian-Chinese relations leads the authors to the conclusion that the governments of both the Russian Federation and the PRC no longer declaratively, but on a scientific basis, approach the coordination of both plans and projects, and practical activities for the development of adjacent territories of the two states. They also recommend the Russian government to work out the strategy of cross-border cooperation with China.
Keywords: Russia, China, Far East, cross-border cooperation
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