Received 14.02.2022. Revised 11.04.2022. Accepted 06.07.2022.
Abstract. The article examines the issues of interaction and competition between Muslim religious associations in the South of Russia, including the North Caucasus and Crimea. The author emphasizes the specific features of the region as the most multiethnic in the country. The wide representation of different trends and traditions within Islam in this territory has influenced the process of shaping of the modern religious landscape. In addition, six historical stages of the evolution and competition of Muslim organizations in this region are outlined. The study reveals the factors of the competitive relations that have developed today among the subjects of the Muslim community at the two levels: regional and all-Russian. This study focuses not only on the actual rivalry among religious organizations, but also on the clash of different concepts and approaches, i.e. “purification” of Islam or preservation of its local features, reform or conservation of the cultural and religious complex, cooperation or competition with the state, etc. Apart from that, the study explores the role of foreign organizations in this rivalry processes in the South of Russia.
Keywords: Islam, religion, religious organizations, competition, foreign influence, the South of Russia, North Caucasus
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