Received 03.02.2022. Revised 06.03.2022. Accepted 06.04.2022.
Acknowledgements. The article was prepared within the project “Post-Crisis World Order: Challenges and Technologies, Competition and Cooperation” supported by the grant from Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation program for research projects in priority areas of scientific and technological development (Agreement 075-15-2020-783).
Abstract. The article examines the interim results of the accomplishments of the Chancellor O. Scholz’s government. It states both the succession of the political course and its novelty. The trend towards the consistent development of interaction between Berlin and Paris, on the effectiveness and quality of which the prospects for the European Union largely depend, is confirmed. Paying traditionally great importance to the transatlantic partnership with the United States, Germany, together with France, intends to consolidate the strategic European sovereignty. The struggle against the problems of the pandemic, the climate and their socio-economic consequences for democracy remain key agendas for the ruling coalition with the participation of the SDP, the Greens and the FDP. The problems of O. Scholz’s European Eastern policy are analyzed, according to which an important, but hardly a priority place is determined for Russia. With regard to the Ukrainian crisis, the O. Scholz’s government is in a difficult situation. Berlin is too deeply immersed in the process of solidarity assistance to Kiev, not “noticing” the growing influence of radical nationalists on the leadership of Ukraine. The American factor is clearly manifested in the European context, which is saturated with pressure on the Germans, and calls for Berlin to observe bloc discipline. The struggle for Nord Stream‑2 is acquiring new dimensions, sharpness. Under Chancellor O. Scholz, against the backdrop of a special military operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, the dismantling of Russian-German relations is being completed. In Berlin, a fatal decision was made to provide Kiev with German lethal weapons, which for the first time after the World War II kill Russians. This and other factors undermine the historical process of reconciliation between the peoples of Russia and Germany, make it much more difficult to predict the future dialogue between Moscow and Berlin. At the same time, the regular telephone conversations between the German Chancellor and the President of the Russian Federation make it possible to maintain an important channel of communication, “synchronize clocks” on the current agenda, primarily the settlement of the Ukrainian crisis, and the prospects for a European security structure. The situation in Europe and the world remains dangerously complex and unpredictable.
Keywords: O. Scholz, A. Baerbock, Germany, European Union, USA, NATO, European Eastern policy, migration, right extremism, Russia, Ukrainian conflict, security guarantees
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