Pan-European Political Space: From Idea to Reality

DOI: 10.20542/0131-2227-2022-66-6-91-101
B. Guseletov,
Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences (IE RAS), 11–3, Mokhovaya Str., Moscow, 125009, Russian Federation.

Received 15.01.2022. Revised 15.03.2022. Accepted 06.04.2022.

Abstract. The article examines the processes of formation and institutionalization of the pan-European political space as an important element of the political system of the European Union. The main theoretical approaches to the study of this problem are presented. The analysis of the Europeanization process and its possible influence on the formation of this space is given. The attitude to this process on the part of the EU political elite, as well as ordinary European citizens, is shown. It is demonstrated that the political institutions of the European Union and the European integration itself influence the political culture, the formation of a common European identity of citizens and their political attitudes. The basic principles and elements of the pan-European political space, including pan-European institutions, political parties, mass media, etc., are described, particularly from the perspective of proponents of various description models, inter alia the models of liberal representation, participatory democracy and deliberative democracy. The main aspects of the evolution of the European Union party and political system, which is an important element of the pan-European political space, are presented. It has been noted that since the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty, the European parties have significantly increased their role and influence in the pan-European political system. An attempt is made to understand how the elements and models interact with each other, what the positions of specific European parties and their factions in the European Parliament are considering the future EU development. The importance of successful implementation of the “Spitzenkandidaten principle” was specified, which will allow the European party leaders and their election manifestos to become better known and understood not only by politicized voters, but also by a majority of the electorate. The role and influence of the media and cultural sphere on the formation of this space are analyzed.

Keywords: European Union, pan-European political space, European Parliament, European parties, Europeanization, identity


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For citation:
Guseletov B. Pan-European Political Space: From Idea to Reality. World Eñonomy and International Relations, 2022, vol. 66, no. 6, pp. 91-101.

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