Civil Society and Educational Development: the Latin American Experience

DOI: 10.20542/0131-2227-2022-66-2-101-111
L. Diyakova,
Institute of Latin American Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, (ILA RAN), 21/16, Bol’shaya Ordynka, Moscow, 115035, Russian Federation.

Received 31.05.2021.

Abstract. Civil society organizations, whose activity increased in the first decade of the 21th century, play a significant role in improving and correcting public policies at the local level. The article examines the ideological principles and practical activities of NGOs in the field of education, represented by both regional and local organizations, as well as interaction between the state, society and business in promoting joint projects, increasing the inclusiveness and quality of educational systems, and developing new approaches. Special attention is paid to non-state educational institutions that offer a possibility of additional training, as well as alternative universities created by Indian organizations to implement the principles of intercultural dialogue and genuine equality. Activities of Latin American civil society have a significant impact on the social life of the region. It is a complex social phenomenon of particular interest. The author acknowledges that NGOs are not able to solve most urgent problems of education as they remain a subject to a targeted strategy of the state, which consists in attempts to radically improve the entire system, ensuring equal chances for children from poor backgrounds. Nonetheless, by exerting a significant impact on public life in the region, minimizing the costs and failures of state policies, these NGOs play an important stabilizing function as they develop an alternative and additional education and provide opportunities to vulnerable social groups. At the new stage of development, in the conditions of disillusionment with the state’s capabilities, the social role of civil society will inevitably increase, expanding the social space of creative activity, complementing, correcting and improving public policies.

Keywords: Latin America, civil society, education, social development, non-governmental organizations, “favorable human environment”


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For citation:
D’yakova L. Civil Society and Educational Development: the Latin American Experience. World Eñonomy and International Relations, 2022, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 101-111.

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