Received 15.02.2021.
Abstract. The present world is characterized by the growth of conflicts. Dividing lines and fractures are increasingly appearing in societies. Migration reinforces such phenomena. The West is no longer an area of stability and prosperity. Moreover, in the last two decades, the problem of integrating the descendants of migrants into society has become clear. In this regard, the scientific discussions of cultural identity acquire a high practical significance. The paper presents an analysis of the scientific discourse on the Muslim issue in the UK. The choice of the case is due to the fact that the UK is a typical Western state, where there is a steady trend to strengthen the cleavage of society. At the same time, it is noted that migration has become one of the key processes in the history of the United Kingdom. The authors apply the concepts of a divided society and responsible development. It is noted that in practice multiculturalism is changing to interculturalism as a more adequate concept of solving existing problems. According to the authors, the ethno-religious discourse on the issue of the Muslim diaspora in the UK consists of four areas: migration, school and higher education, gender, and radicalization of young people. Discourses on the problems of migration policy and functioning of diasporas, Muslim education, gender equality, and radicalization of Islamic youth can be considered derived from a higher discourse – the discourse of identity, which is based on value-worldview aspects. In conclusion, it is noted that negative processes are taking place in British society, which are of strategic importance for responsible development. According to the authors, success in overcoming divisions in British society will depend on coordinated planned actions at all levels (international, national, regional, local). “Indigenous” residents and the Muslim diaspora need to build a model of partnership, which implies mutual responsibility. The analysis of scientific discourses presented in the article inspires moderate optimism, as it offers well-founded and concrete solutions to the existing problems of British society. Although British society is divided, British scientific discourse has a common platform where researchers of different backgrounds and faiths successfully engage in dialogue.
Keywords: sociocultural identity, Great Britain, United Kingdom, Islam, British Muslims, multiculturalism, interculturalism
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